Tag: cashmere

Canadian Coupons: Save $1 on Purex or Cashmere Bathroom Tissue, Sponge Towels, or Scotties *Printable Coupon*

This is a great printable coupon that pops up from time to time, so be sure to get your prints of it while it is available. This hidden SmartSource printable coupon is for $1 off the purchase of any Purex or Cashmere bathroom tissue, or Sponge Towels, or Scotties facial tissue. There are always many …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On The Purchase of Select Kruger Products *Printable Coupon*

A new coupon is now available through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal, valid on the purchase of select Kruger brand products. Save $1 on the purchase of  Cashmere or Purex bathroom tissue, 12 rolls or larger, or SpongeTowels and Scotties products 6 pack or larger. This coupon has a very long expiry, being valid …Read More

Giant Tiger Canada: Cashmere EnviroCare Bathroom Tissue 6 Double Rolls 99 Cents After Coupon

Here is a great deal on toilet paper from Giant Tiger this week! Until October the 20th, 2015, Giant Tiger Canada has Cashmere Bathroom Tissue, in the 6 double roll package, on sale for $1.99. This sale includes the EnviroCare variety, and there just happens to be a coupon available for $1 off the purchase …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Cashmere Ultraluxe *Printable Coupon*

With some really great deals on Cashmere Bathroom Tissue this weekend between sales and rebates from your apps, you may have been disappointed to find that the printable coupon for $1 off Cashmere Ultraluxe has since disappeared from the main WebSaver page. Fortunately here is some good news as you do have another option. By …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Cashmere UltraLuxe Through WebSaver.ca

A new coupon is available for Cashmere UltraLuxe bathroom tissue. This a hidden coupon, available for order through webSaver.ca, and accessible through the Cashmere Bathroom Tissue Canada Facebook page. You must first like the page in order to be able to click through to access the coupon. You will then be able to select the …Read More

WebSaver.ca Canada Coupons: Save $1 on the Purchase of Any Cashmere UltraLuxe Bathroom Tissue

There is a hidden coupon available through the WebSaver.ca Cashmere UltraLuxe coupon portal. Save $1.00 on your next Purchase of any Cashmere UltraLuxe bathroom tissue. This hidden WebSaver.ca Cashmere UltraLuxe coupon portal can be ordered by mail. Limited coupons are available while supplies last. “Like” the Cashmere UltraLuxe Facebook and start. Click here to get your WebSaver.ca Cashmere UltraLuxe …Read More

Canadian Coupons: $2 off Cashmere Double Roll Websaver.ca Coupon Facebook Offer

Cashmere Canada is offering a $2 off any double-roll Websaver.ca coupon when you like them on their Facebook page here. For eastern Canada only, although I live in Ontario and it let me order. Can you believe the dresses above are made out of toilet paper? Look a hell of a lot better than the …Read More


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