Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On The Purchase of Select Kruger Products *Printable Coupon*


A new coupon is now available through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal, valid on the purchase of select Kruger brand products. Save $1 on the purchase of  Cashmere or Purex bathroom tissue, 12 rolls or larger, or SpongeTowels and Scotties products 6 pack or larger.

This coupon has a very long expiry, being valid until March the 31st, 2016, so you will certainly want to print this one. If the coupon is valid on the Econo SpongeTowels, they are on sale for $2.99 at Metro Ontario this week, so you could pick them up for $1.99 with the coupon.

Like all SmartSource printables, you are limited to two prints of the coupon per computer. The coupon is located on the right side of the page, about halfway down.

Click here to print your coupon for $1 off the purchase of select Cashmere, Purex, SpongeTowels, or Scotties products through our SmartCanucks SmartSouce printable coupon portal.

One response to “Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On The Purchase of Select Kruger Products *Printable Coupon*”

  1. Robert says:

    So I printed out the coupon and took it to Walmart where Cashmere is on sale, and the cashier tried to tell me I had to buy both Cashmere and Purex, not either, because the coupon says Cashmere and Purex. In the end she put it through after asking another cashier, but I’m really getting tired of fighting at the cash because of ambiguous coupons. Sometimes it feels like I need to bring my lawyer along with me to argue my case.


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