Good news if you are a big reader or love the other items at Chapters-Indigo stores as you can pick up gift cards at 20% off this week when you shop at Rexall or select Loblaws banner stores. Rexall is offering 20% off all Chapters-Indigo gift cards (any denomination) – available in Ontario & Western …Read More
Buy a Kobo Touch at Chapters-Indigo in-store or online for $99 before Sunday night and you will get a bonus $20 gift card with your purchase. They have many accessories for the Touch on clearance in-store too, so a great time to buy.
Thanks everyone who entered the Chapters electronic $30 gift card contest. The winner is Shoestring shopper! Congratulations, please check your email for further instructions. Didn’t win? Use the code OLDEC11 to save $5 off your purchase at