Chapters-Indigo: Buy a Kobo Touch for $99 By Sunday and Get a $20 Gift Card

Buy a Kobo Touch at Chapters-Indigo in-store or online for $99 before Sunday night and you will get a bonus $20 gift card with your purchase. They have many accessories for the Touch on clearance in-store too, so a great time to buy.

One response to “Chapters-Indigo: Buy a Kobo Touch for $99 By Sunday and Get a $20 Gift Card”

  1. RL says:

    Does anyone have details about the GC? I did the order process on the indigo site but it doesn’t mention the GC in the order summary…will this be mailed with the Kobo? Also, has a $15GC promo on their shop page…will I get both if I went through AM? Just wondering cause the T&C’s on both pages are pretty vague…


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