Tag: immunity fx

Cold FX & Immunity FX Facebook Canada Coupons

Well its that time of year again for the cold virus to start rearing it’s ugly head.  Cold FX has some coupons available on their facebook page.  Cold Fx is supposed to help prevent you from getting the common cold.  I have never tried it myself. Save $4.00 off the purchase of 45 capsules or …Read More

Canadian Coupons: $8 Off on Any Size of Immunity-FX *Printable*

Here is a great coupon for everyone who buys Immunity-FX or wanting to try it out. This is the blurb from lotus’ post: IMMUNITY-FX is from the makers of COLD-FX and is a product intended to improve and strengthen your immune system. According to their website it “strengthens your natural defences, improves your overall health …Read More


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