Tag: kitchenaid.ca

KitchenAid Canada Rebate Offers: Buy a KitchenAid Diamond Blender and Receive $30 Cash Back and More Mail-In Rebates

If you’ve recently purchased a KitchenAid Diamond Blender, or were planning to buy one before January 17th, then you could receive a $30 cash back if you fill out this rebate form and send in valid proof of purchase. You’ll have to have purchased the KitchenAid blender after January 1st and there will be a limit of …Read More

Sears.ca Canada Holiday Daily Deals Until Christmas and Kitchen Aid Mixed Only $199.99

Everyday until Christmas Sears.ca is offering daily deals.  Today’s deals include savings of up to 55% off sleep sets, and 5% extra off children’s bedding. Check back everyday for new sales.  Sears is also offering Kitchen Aid Mixers at 50% off making them only $199.99 each! *Until December 5th. Combine with Mail in Kitchen Aid …Read More

KitchenAid Canada mail in rebates! Receive up to $180 back!

Planning on investing in a KitchenAid mixer or specialty item soon? Nows the time! Until March 31rst there is mail in rebates on select KitchenAid appliances! Must be bought at a KitchenAid authorized dealer. Rebates must be received by May 14th 2010. Heres a quick reference list of products included in the rebate offer:   Amazon.ca carries a …Read More


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