Maple Leaf are offering coupons for $2 off their Bacon Portions. Many of us were able to score free bacon at FreshCo and other stores with this coupon when it was released or those who missed the free product coupons. This websaver coupon is available for mail-to-home only. Click here to order this coupon
GO QUICK – few left Get your free Natural Selections pepperoni slices or bacon pieces on facebook by clicking here If you get an error message that the link is spammy, go to Maple Leaf Foods and choose Natural Selections from the apps. This is not available on Facebook Mobile Now over – but they …Read More
Tomorrow, sometime between 9am and 5pm EST, Maple Leaf Canada will be giving away 2,000 FPCs for new Maple Leaf Natural Selections Sliced Pepperoni and 100% Bacon Pieces. Click here to become a fan on Facebook and stay tuned for tomorrow’s giveaway. We will let you know when it goes live.
Save $2 on the purchase of Maple Leaf Natural Selections Sliced Pepperoni or Bacon Pieces with this new hidden coupon available through Click here to order your coupon through their Facebook page.
The coupon for $2 off the purchase of Maple Leaf Bacon Portions is once again available through their Facebook page. If you have previously ordered this coupon you will be able to reorder it. Additionally, you are able to order the coupon on it’s own, without having to add other coupons to your order. Click …Read More
There is currently a glitch with this coupon that Dempster’s is trying to sort out, so keep an eye on the Dempster’s Facebook page today for the link to be up and running. The coupon is for $1.50 off the purchase of two Maple Leaf Foods, Prime, Dempster’s, or Ben’s products. Click here to become …Read More
Maple Leaf Prime has 50,00 coupons available for their ground chicken or turkey, including 5,000 FPC’s! Click here to get your coupon! Let us know if you were lucky enough to get a free product coupon.
Go QUICK only 1000 coupons for free Maple Leaf Bacon Portions for FREE then $2 coupon for everyone. Coupon through websaver Click here to get yours (facebook) Update 12:30 Now a $2 coupon but this was on sale at FreshCo for $2 recently so you could still get it for free! Check back every day …Read More
A great new coupon is available through! Save $1 when you buy any two (2) packages of select Maple Leaf® brands hot dog or hamburger buns. Coupon is available by mail only. Click here to order yours.
22,500 buy one get one free Olivieri Cooking Sauce coupons are now available. Click here to order yours through the Olivieri Canada Facebook page.
Two new coupons are available through! Save $1 on the purchase of Maple Leaf Deli-Fresh deli meat is available to be mailed, and save $3 on the purchase of any size Advil Nighttime is available to be mailed or printed. Click here to order your coupons.
Sometime tomorrow Maple Leaf will be announcing on their Facebook page that they’re giving away 500 packages of Natural Selections bacon. This freebie has been going on for a while but every time I seem to miss it and there is no sense in posting a freebie that’s already gone. This is going to be …Read More
Hurry on over to websaver to get a great coupon for Maple Leaf Prime Chicken. You can save $5! Hurry though, there are only 5,000 for all of Canada. I just ordered mine so there still should be some available. Click here to order your coupon. Thanks to melodi for posting this coupon find for …Read More
“Like” Maple Leaf Prime on Facebook and click on the “offers!” tab to get yourself a coupon. The coupon is for $2.00 off a Maple Leaf Prime product. Once you click on the offer you will be directed to so you must have a Websaver account to get a coupon mailed to you. This …Read More
In the Price Chopper (ON) Nov. 5-11, 2010 flyer, Maple Leaf Prime Stuffed Chicken Breasts are on sale for $7.99. Use the $5 coupon from and pay only $2.99. I’ve been wanting to try these and use my coupon, but alas, my Price Chopper converted into a Fresh Co. in the summertime and there …Read More