The Pfizer Canada Healthy Savings coupon portal has printable coupons available for over 20 Pfizer brands! Here are the coupons that you can currently print: Save $5 on Abreva Save $4 on Advil Liqui-Gels Save $4 on Advil Tablets and Caplets Save $4 on Advil $12 Hour Buy 2 Select Advil Products And Save $10 …Read More
Pfizer Canada Healthy Savings coupon portal has plenty of new coupons available for a huge number of Pfizer products. Visit the portal by clicking the link below where you will have access to the following coupons worth over $129: Save $4 on Advil Liqui-Gels Save $4 on Advil 12 Hour Buy 2 Save $10 on Advil Cold …Read More
The Pfizer Canada Healthy Savings coupon portal has plenty of new coupons available for a huge number of Pfizer products. Visit the portal by clicking the link below where you will have access to the following coupons worth over $120: Save $4 on Advil Cold, Sinus and Flu Extra Strength Save $4 on Advil Liqui-Gels …Read More
Check your flyer bundles this week for this new coupon insert from Pfizer Canada. You should be receiving this new Healthy Savings coupon booklet, featuring $120 in savings. Here is a list of the coupons that you will find in this newest insert: Save $4 on Advil Liqui-Gels Save $4 on Advil Tablets and Caplets …Read More
Pfizer Canada has a brand new printable coupon portal, providing you with some amazing savings on some of their products. Click the link below to visit the Healthy Savings portal, where you can save up to $70 when you print the following available coupons: Save $4 on Advil 12 hour Save $4 on Advil Cold …Read More
Pfizer Canada Inc., the Canadian distributor of EpiPen® (epinephrine) Auto-Injector, announced a voluntary recall in consultation with Health Canada of one lot of EpiPen 0.3 mg (epinephrine) and one lot of EpiPen Jr 0.15 mg (epinephrine) Auto-Injectors distributed in Canada. In Canada, the recall impacts one lot (5GU763) of the 0.3 mg strength of EpiPen …Read More
Pfizer Canada has a new freebie available now! The Pfizer Canada freebie includes: Get FREE Trial Emergen-C Samples The Pfizer Canada freebie is valid while supplies last. Limit 1 sample per household. Restrictions apply. Click here to get more information about Pfizer Canada freebie.
Pfizer has recalled 124 lots of Advil liquid products for infants and children! Health Canada is informing Canadians that Pfizer Consumer Healthcare has initiated a voluntary recall of 124 lots of Advil liquid products for infants and children because of a potential risk of inconsistences in dosing of the product. “Clumps” of Ibuprofen may form in the bottle …Read More
We usually see coupons decrease in value over time, but here is one that has now increased. Pfizer Canada had previously had a $3 coupon available for their Caltrate products, but there is now a new coupon for $4 off Caltrate products. Save $4 on your purchase of any Caltrate product with coupon, available in …Read More