P&G Everyday has launched their new P&G brandSAMPLER free sample pack! Be sure to sign up or login as a P&G everyday member to request your FREE Sample Pack! Limited to one free brandSAMPLER sample pack per mailing address per offering period, valid while quantities last. This is your chance to try lots of famous …Read More
I know you were all disappointed by the previous post about P&G Every Day Coupons now being PRINTABLE by SmartSource rather than mail to home, but maybe you will be a little more cheery now that they have released their Second Batch of coupons available? The New P&G Ever Day SmartSource Printable Coupons include: Save …Read More
There will likely be mixed feelings about this, but it appears the P&G has made the switch to printable BrandSAVER coupons! Nineteen new printable coupons are now available through the P&G EveryDay coupon portal, powered by SmartSource. For each of these coupons, there is a limit of one coupon per person. Available coupons are as …Read More