Tag: prepaid credit cards

Air Wick Park Series Mail In Rebate: $5 Pre Paid Credit Card When You Buy 2

Air Wick has released a new line of products called the Canadian Parks Series, and there is a new mail in rebate offer available for you to try these products. Actually it’s not a mail in rebate at all, because you don’t even have to mail anything. Purchase any two Air Wick Canadian Parks series …Read More

ZoomPass – No Activation Fee PrePaid Credit Card

A few people have recently mentioned that they do not have credit cards to shop online.  A few years ago I was given the opportunity to try ZoomPass for free from bzzagent (it came loaded with some cash too).  They do not have $4-$5 fees on each $50 card like ones you would buy in …Read More

Government Changes Rules On Prepaid Credit Cards – No Expiry & Fee Changes

The federal government have finally imposed regulations on prepaid credit card companies. Under the new regulations, prepaid cards must fully disclose any fees and conditions at activation, must not expire and eliminate any unused balance, they also can’t have maintenance fees for at least one year after card activation. For more information, check the government’s …Read More


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