Tag: recipes canada

Microwavable Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

When I was little this was one of my favourite summer vacay treats.  They are so easy to make and the best part is you don’t have to turn on the oven to make them. All you need  is cake mix (eggs,oil, water) icing and ice cream cones. Prepare the cake mix as per instructions …Read More

Recipe Schmecipe: Asian-Style Beef and Veggie Noodles

I love the versatility of this dish mostly because you can switch around the meat and vegetables to suit your needs and make use of whatever vegetable is lying around in your refrigerator. Use Napa cabbage, spinach, bean sprouts, green beans, peas or whatever else floats your boat. It is filled with tons of fresh, …Read More

Recipe Schmecipe: Homemade Bread

One of the things I love doing is making bread. The wonders of bread-making never cease to amaze me. Granted, it does take some time and patience but the end result is more than worth the effort. Without further ado, here is the recipe:   Homemade Bread 1½ cups warm water 1 tbsp active dry …Read More

Recipe Schmecipe: Spiced Potato and Ground Beef with Peas (Aloo Keema)

I don’t know about you but all I want to do in winter is to hibernate, eat hot comfort food and curl up with a good book. And although most of us make the New Year’s resolution to lose weight, it is kind of hard to achieve our goals when the cold, bleak winter practically …Read More

Recipe Schmecipe: Cilantro-Yogurt Dip

This dip recipe is delightfully refreshing, simple, and it’s also incredibly healthy, especially when you’re looking for a respite between all those Christmas cookies. It also requires only three ingredients: Plain yogurt or thick Greek yogurt (Plain yogurt can usually be found on sale for $2 or less). Fresh cilantro (regularly $1 per bunch) and …Read More

Recipe Schmecipe: Baked Potato Wedges

The humble, yet delicious, potato is extremely versatile and this recipe, a healthier version of a French fry, makes for a good side dish and a great snack. First off preheat your oven to 400°F/204°C and peel approximately 3lbs of Russet potatoes (note white potatoes are on sale at No Frills this week at $3.47 …Read More

Recipe Schmecipe: Lazy Man’s Raspberry Pinwheels

This recipe oozes laziness mostly because it is dead simple to make and only uses two ingredients (seriously!).  It’s great for those times when you’re bogged down in work or just not feeling up to spending more time in the kitchen than necessary. More importantly, it costs literally next to nothing! Pillsbury Pie Crust (purchased …Read More

Potato & Leek Soup Recipe

Other / Canada 15 comments

Tea season has officially begun! Along with tea, the colder weather also ushers in soups. So I thought that I’d share this easy-peasy recipe that can be made, from start to finish, in 35 minutes! This is like a warm hug, perfect for a cold evening in. 🙂 POTATO AND LEEK SOUP Ingredients * the …Read More


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