Tag: Save.ca

Walmart Canada Coupons: Save $0.75 Natrel and Sealtest Cream

Walmart Canada has a new coupon available now! The Walmart Canada coupon includes: Save $0.75 on any Natrel or Sealtest Cream Product 473ml or 1L Click here to get these Walmart Canada coupons. You can order a second coupon here.

FREE Fridays General Mills Coupons: Get Chocolate Chex or Edge Cereal for FREE with Cheerios Purchase

Walmart Canada and Save.ca coupons portal have a new FREE Fridays coupon where you can receive a FREE box of Chocolate Chex or Edge with Protein Honey Almond Flavour cereal when you purchase any one Cheerios cereal! This coupon is available for one day only on Friday, August 5, 2016 only. FREE New Chocolate Chex …Read More

Save.ca Coupon: Free New Finding Dory Fruit Snacks with Purchase!

Save.ca has a new coupon available where you can get the new Finding Dory Fruit Flavoured Shapes 226g or the Soft Baked Snacks 150g FREE with the purchase of specially marked items! For example, you can purchase Betty Crocker Fruit Flavours Snacks of any flavour or Nature Valley granola bars to get this deal! This coupon …Read More

Save.ca Canada Coupons: Save $1.00 off Any One Summer Fresh Hummus!

Save.ca Canada has a new coupon available on its portal where you can save $1.00 off any one 238g Summer Fresh hummus! This a fantastic deal because hummus makes for the perfect summer refresher! Enjoy it at a picnic, as a side, or as a late night snack! Let us know the expiry date in …Read More

Save.ca Whiskas Coupon: Try Whiskas Perfect Portions for FREE!

Save.ca has an amazing new coupon available where you can try Whiskas Perfect Portions absolutely FREE! For all those cat owners out there, we know how messy it can be to handle leftover wet food and to be honest, we bet your cats don’t enjoy all that much either! With the Whiskas Perfect Portions, these little packages …Read More

Canadian Coupons: Get A Free Coupon For Whiskas Perfect Portions Through Save.ca

It’s not often that a free product coupon comes up, so take this opportunity to order this one from Save.ca! For a limited time, a coupon is available for one free Whiskas Perfect Portions Single, 2x 37.5g, any variety. There is a limit of one per household. The coupon is available for order by mail …Read More

Save.ca Coupon: Save $5 on Revlon Canada Mascara!

Save.ca has a high value coupon available on its portal where you can save $5 off Revlon Mascara! This coupon is available for use on May 1, 2016 only. “Love is On” with this deal where you can choose from five different mascaras: Ultimate All-In-One Volume: hold forumla for maximum volume Length: an extended lash …Read More

Free Old El Paso Restaurante Seasoning Pack Coupon *Western Canada Only*

If you had the General Mills coupon for a free packet of Old El Paso Restaurante seasoning and  live in Western Canada, there was some confusion over whether or not you were still able to redeem it. Some of you may have not been able to. If that is the case, not to worry, as …Read More

Old El Paso One Day Free Product Coupon *Important Update*

Most of you likely have coupons for a free Old El Paso Restaurant Seasoning Pouch valid one day only, tomorrow, August the 14th. This coupon came from Save.ca some time ago and several people have made mention that they have not yet seen the product in the area as of yet. Well, there is a …Read More

Canadian Coupons: IOGO Nano Pouch Free Product Coupon By Mail!

I am loving all the free product coupons arriving in my mailbox as of late, and if you are enjoying them as well then here is another one you can order! Get a FREE IOGO Nano Pouch product coupon mail to your home through Save.ca. This is a new IOGO product, designed for your little …Read More

Save.ca Hidden Printable Coupon: Save $5 on First Response Digital Ovulation Predictor Test (20ct)

Save.ca has a new hidden printable coupon for those of you who may be trying to have a baby. Right now, you can save $5 off on a First Response Digital Ovulation Predictor Test (2oct). This coupon is for print only and will be available for a limited time. Click here to print out you …Read More

Save.ca Coupons: FREE Package of Kibbles n’ Bits Dog Treats With Purchase of Original Dog Food (1.8kg)

Save.ca has a coupon available right now that, though it will save you money, is catered to the likes of the furry canine in your house. When you buy either the Original (1.8kg) or Brushing Bites (1.6kg) of Kibbles ‘n Bits Dog Food, you will be able to use this coupon to get a free package …Read More

Save.ca Hidden Coupons: Save $1.50 Off on Off! Clip-On Holder or Refill

You’ve sometimes got to take the good with the bad, and so goes the case when we accept the warmer weather we must also accept that there will also be those pesky mosquitoes hanging around. For people who reside near large, still bodies of water you certainly know the pains of mosquito season and going to …Read More

Save.ca Hidden Coupons: Save $1.50 on Any OxiClean Laundry Detergent

Found on a Save.ca hidden coupon portal was this $1.50 off coupon on any OxiClean Laundry Detergent. This coupon can either be printed off at home, or mailed to your home by Save.ca. There are limited quantities of this coupon available. Click here to get your $1.50 off coupon on OxiClean Laundry Detergent from Save.ca.

Save.ca Hidden Coupon: Save $1 Off on Any Sabra Product (227g or More)

If you’ve never tried Sabra products before, then now would probably be the best time to sample them as Save.ca has a hidden mail-out coupon that will save you $1 off on any product that is 227g or more. Sabra has a wide variety of spreads and dips that you can choose from, including one …Read More

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