I have been waiting for Lay’s Chips to go on sale so I can stock up and cash in the points found on the bags for Chip Trips. This weekend June 5-7 Shoppers Drug Mart has them on sale for just $1.88. Most of the large bags have 10 points on them but some have …Read More
This coming week Zeller’s has Pringles Super Stack 170g-190g on sale for $1.69. So if you have the $1 coupons that were found in stores you can stock up for just $0.69 each. This is a great time to use the coupons before they expire the end of the month. I used mine last week …Read More
*Offer valid on the purchase total of eligible products using a valid Shoppers Optimum Card® after discounts and redemptions and before taxes. Maximum 7,000 points per offer regardless of total dollar value of transaction. Excludes prescription purchases, Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points®, Shoppers Optimum® Mastercard® points, products that contain codeine, non-pointable items, tobacco products (where …Read More
Huge thanks to Bridges_48 for this awesome post! It’s huge bonus time again for all you Optimum Plus members! Present this printable coupon and spend at least $50 before November 6 and you will recieve a huge 10 000 bonus Optimum points! There are also 4 other bonus point coupons available to Plus members. They …Read More
Buy any 2 participating Pampers products and get 2000 bonus SDM points! See store for more details. I do, however, see Pampers Cruisers (box) and Swaddlers (box) on the coupon so I’m assuming they are 2 of the participating items. This coupon expires October 17th, 2009. PLUS, September 19th – 25th, 2009 is baby bonus …Read More