Tag: smart canucks forum

Take Part In The SmartCanucks Official Secret Santa Gift Exchanges

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Each year, SmartCanucks holds Secret Santa gift exchanges for the holidays.  you need to be a forum member to participate in these exchanges and have at least 500 posts. There are just a few days left to sign up if you want to participate.  Visit the threads here for more information, rules and sign up …Read More

Should Retailers Offer A Refund On Non-Returnable Items If Faulty?

MrsSunshine on our forums brought up an interesting topic.  She bought a bedding set and the cashier mentioned that it was non-returnable.  On opening the packaging at home, there was an awful smell coming from it, not something that makes you want to snuggle up in your new bedding. The store in question has offered …Read More

Smart Canucks Canada Member Exclusive “My Kijiji Home” How An Scer Furnished Her Home The Smart Canuck Way!

Last night when I read Watergirl73’s post on the forum I was absolutely astonished!  This Smart Canuck has been furnishing her home completely by scoping out Kijiji deals and steals for quite sometime.  Her house is nothing less then gorgeous, and you would never be able to tell that she paid a fraction of the …Read More


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