Tag: Snack Pack

Canadian Coupons: Save 75 Cents On Super Snack Pack Pudding Cups *Printable Coupon*

Many of us pack lunches for our children and throw in a Snack Pack Pudding Cup, and then maybe we toss one, or two, in our own lunch. They may be the perfect size for children, but for the more mature crowd, a standard cup may be a little on the smallish side. That problem …Read More

SmartSource Canada Hidden Coupons: Save $1 Off on Del Monte Fruit Packs and Snack Packs Canada Coupons Products

When you’ve got a busy household with many mouths to feed all at once in very limited time slots, it helps to have easy to travel snacks like the ones from Snack Pack Pudding and Del Monte Fruit Cups. What’s even better, is when you’re stocking up on these packages and you come across a …Read More

Snack Pack Canada Giveaway

Snack Pack Canada will be giving away coupons for a free 4 pack of Snack Pack Pudding Cups. The giveaways will be held randomly through their Facebook page on the following dates: Sept 25th Oct 3rd Oct 7th Oct 16th Oct 25th There will be 100 free product coupons available for each giveaway and there …Read More


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