SmartSource Canada Hidden Coupons: Save $1 Off on Del Monte Fruit Packs and Snack Packs Canada Coupons Products

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When you’ve got a busy household with many mouths to feed all at once in very limited time slots, it helps to have easy to travel snacks like the ones from Snack Pack Pudding and Del Monte Fruit Cups. What’s even better, is when you’re stocking up on these packages and you come across a hidden coupon like this one from SmartSource where you can save $1 off on any Del Monte or Snack Pack product.Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 9.30.28 AM

The initial amount of $1 off many not seem like that much, but like I said, when you’re feeding a growing family with bottomless pits for stomachs, you go through a lot of these little packages in not a very short amount of time.

Click here to print out the hidden coupon for Del Monte and Snack Packs from

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