Take Short Survey For a Chance to Win a Shoppers Drug Mart Card


TripleScoop Premium Market Research are giving away one $100, one $50 and three $25 Shoppers Drug Mart gift cards!

TripleScoop Premium Market Research are studying what makes people tick and especially what makes some people choose one brand over another for a particular type of product that you probably use regularly.

Complete the survey and be entered in a drawing for a chance to win Shoppers Drug Mart gift cards! TripleScoop Premium Market Research are giving away 5 different Shoppers Drug Mart cards — a $100, a $50 and 3 $25 gift cards. They need your help and want to give you the chance to win! Not only do you get a chance to win a gift card, you also help make the world a better and more understanding place.

Fine print: The survey does take about 20 minutes, but it is interesting. All answers and information will be held completely confidential. For drawing rules, please click here. This survey is conducted by TripleScoop Premium Market Research. They adhere strictly to all rules of confidentiality and privacy for safe surveys. For their privacy statement, please click here.

Click here to complete the survey and enter the draw for a chance to win!

7 responses to “Take Short Survey For a Chance to Win a Shoppers Drug Mart Card”

  1. eggroll says:

    I just did this very odd survey and it doesn’t ask for identifying info like name or address so you can’t win anything.

  2. Ciel says:

    Survey relates to menstrual periods-so this is for those still getting them.

    Sponsor is Edgewell Personal products.

  3. atyoung says:

    I completed the whole survey…..whew…..and was able to submit contact details.

    Be prepared to talk about tampons and pads and life events for 20 minutes!!

    Thanks, Smart Canucks!


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