Target Canada Clearance Deals: Frizz-Ease Serum $3.47 (.47 After Coupon)


Here is another great clearance deal from Target Canada that many of our forum members have reported finding. John Frieda Frizz-Ease serum is currently marked down to only $3.47 at most locations. If you are looking for this deal keep in mind it is the Frizz-Ease in the older packaging. There is also a tear pad coupon, recently spotted in stores such as Shoppers Drug Mart, for $3 off the purchase of any John Frieda Frizz-Ease serum. If you are lucky enough to come across this coupon you may be able to score the Frizz-Ease for only $0.47!

Click here to view the Target Canada Clearance thread on our forum to see other deals that our forum members are spotting at Target!

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