Target Canada Coupons

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Here are the Target Canada coupons. Please click here to get Target printable coupons.

You must have a printer in order to access the coupons. You may be prompted to download a small, free software application in order to print your coupons. Make sure your printer is on, connected with your computer, and loaded with paper.

Click here to find your Target store.

8 responses to “Target Canada Coupons”

  1. Natalka says:

    Wondering if SC gets any benefit if we print Smartsource coupons through it, rather than using their site directly or, as in this case, through the Target site?

  2. Kerri says:

    So…these ones do not say “target coupons” on them. So how do they know which ones are theirs and mfgr’s? Just cause you can double one mfgr and one target as per their policy…just wondering if anyone had tried this or not?

  3. Murray says:

    The target page is working through SmartSource anyways. On my printing results page it informed me that some were not printed as I had already claimed them (with no login done on the target site)

  4. jasmynflower says:

    Target coupons should scan in their system and manufacturer coupons must be punched in…

  5. nisiepie says:

    these are just regular smart source coupons.

  6. nisiepie says:

    meaning they are manufacturer’s coupons, just like when you go thru the smart sources site. they aren’t target coupons.

    sorry, i should learn to think complete thoughts before hitting ‘submit comment’ :p

  7. tasha says:

    doesn’t work.

  8. Cassandra says:

    I’m actually a cashier at Target. Target coupons have a large bullseye on them. Smart source has a few available right now (not as many as I would like to see.. but I guess they will come around.) They do double with manuf. coupons, but I believe currently Target has only released coupons on their brand of products. Target USA has coupons on brand name items, and I’m hoping Target Canada comes around and releases some as well.

    Also being a Cashier at Target and a couponer as well, I’m more than happy to answer anyone’s coupon questions relating to Targets Policy to accept them 🙂


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