Every Friday, Target Canada offers a new coupon in store that prints at the register with your receipt. This week, the coupon available is for $5 off the purchase of any video game. These coupons can also be combined with manufacturer coupons for additional savings. Although it isn’t likely that there will be a manufacturer coupon for video games, you can maximize your savings with this coupon by using it on clearance items.
While you can do as many transactions as you would like to get multiple coupons, remember when redeeming them that there is a limit of 4 identical coupons per household per day with these coupons.
This coupon expires August the 1st, 2014, and is available until Thursday, end of day. Click here to find a Target Canada location near you.
might be some good deals in the bargain bin
Will new coupons print if you use the same coupon in the transaction?
It did for me