Target is holding a one-day pop-up shop featuring Jason Wu’s Target collection and if you are one of the first 25 customers in line, you can meet and have your photo taken with the designer.
The shop is located at 363 King St. West in Toronto and runs from noon until quantities last (limit three items per customer). One hundred percent of the sales will be donated to the United Way Toronto so you can shop and feel good about where your money is going.
Click here to view Jason Wu for Target designs. Will you be going?
Smart marketing move by Target
i thought Target has not arrived yet?
@ stark bauer, looks like the “opening act” lol.
If you live near the Niagara border, you can also order some of the items on-line at and have them shipping to a us address such as usaddressinc or CBI (pick up is only 5$) Much better than braving the crazy crowds!
Why do you have to show models who are so skinny they look sick. My daughter has anorexia nervosa because she wants to look like your models, instead, her kidneys are failing and she may DIE. Please do not use skinny models, use models of average size. I will never buy anything from your Stores until you get rid of these advertisements with skinny models.
I agree with the pp. This model looks like she is about to fall over anytime. She is not the way healthy women should look like. YUCK! Change your models please!
@Sandra….you do realize this isn’t the actual website of Target? or any other stores for that’s a Deals website/blog..
You’d be better off going to the actual company website which i assume is somewhere along the lines of ‘’
363 King St. West is which building? Can you tell us how you heard about this so we can get more information, like a Unit number? Thanks
oops nevermind, found it!
I so wish I was going to be close for this. I love Jason Wu!!
@Sandra I disagree on the models being soooo skinny and ‘sick’ looking. I’m naturally that thin and it annoys me when people just assume I have an eating disorder because I am thin enough to model. Some people it’s natural and others have to work hard for it, and for others it will just never be attainable.
@torontogal I think the closest intersection would be King and Spadina. Okay I just googled it and it seems to be just a shop front with condos above. I assume it will be clearly marked and if a lot of people know about it I think the line might be ridiculous unless you get there early.
@roseofblack25 I fully agree with you. I am tall and naturally thin. I don’t starve myself or exercise like crazy. I eat a lot and at the end of the day, it’s just my genetics that makes me look this way. Fat, skinny, athletic, tall, short, average. We are ALL real women.
At the age of 25, I still looked like the model and always had thirds (as in a second or third helping). Now, 20 years later, at a size 10ish, I actually feel more comfortable but… I just don’t wear dresses mid-thigh anymore!
Yes, you should take good care of your body and not forget that your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful.
Still, I am saddened. It’s one thing to wear make-up or a bra that helps you fight the effects of gravity or to change your hair colour, but when you think about 40,000 sets of breast implants being recalled in Europe, you have to wonder if we are doing it for a deep-down-reason (I always thought that they were too small) or responding to images projected in the media.
Where are the regular people… with plain features… or thinning hair… or a crooked smile? Sure,there are the odd pot-bellied guys with bald spots in advertisement and television, but where are the pregnant 30-something moms, the lanky teenagers, the shorter then the national average people, the beyond size-4 women, the elderly and need-I-go-on?
Still,I thought that the girl in the ad was super-cute with her braids and dark eye-liner. I did think that she could use a bit of natural vitamin D…
PS: Bring those test Target shops to the suburbs!
Thanks @roseofblack25. The reason why I posted is because when I Google this address I think it is either the Princess of Wales, or Royale Alex. But if that’s true, why does Target just not say so instead of giving an address. I hope they have some crazy labelling. There’s so many buildings there, and so many possible unit numbers.
girls it’s not King and Spadina but King and John! right on the corner I believe!
and @Sandra – please keep the negativity out of here.