Target: Garnier Fructis Damage Eraser $0.79 Or Less After Gift Card & Coupon


Target are selling Garnier Fructis products for $3.79 in the flyer starting tomorrow.  While they can be found cheaper on sale, Target are offering a $5 gift card when you buy three Garnier Fructis hair care products.

Combine this deal with the printable coupons for $3 off when you buy two and $1 off when you buy one and pay $2.37 for three bottles after factoring in the gift card.

If you have some of the $3 when you buy two tearpad coupons, get them even cheaper when you buy six and use three coupons and pay only $3.74 for six bottles – less than $0.63 per bottle.

They also have a deal for a $5 gift card when you buy two bottles of Essie nail polish, perfect for updating your nail polish collection for Spring/Summer.

7 responses to “Target: Garnier Fructis Damage Eraser $0.79 Or Less After Gift Card & Coupon”

  1. Bargain Seeker says:

    Even better if you have the $1.50 WUB 1 Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Product.

  2. minimusiclover says:

    They’re also on sale for $2.98 at zehrs (may be the same at rcss and loblaws?). So if you price match it, you really only pay the taxes. 🙂


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