There has been a lot of discussion about Target’s new policies and some confusion with US policies posted as Canadian ones across the web, but it looks like the Scanning Code of Pratice (SCOP) will not be a policy… for now.
The Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Codes is currently considered voluntary in all provinces except Quebec, where it is required. We will not formally be participating in the code for Year 1 in Canada anywhere but Quebec.
Target has systems and pricing tools in place to ensure stores are accurately priced. It’s our priority to ensure guests leave happy. We support the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Codes so that Canadians can benefit from competitive prices and quality service.
We intend to participate as soon as our Canadian teams, systems and processes have been fully established. Target has a longstanding commitment to delivering our “Expect More. Pay Less” brand promise to all of our guests, and we are pleased to offer 5% savings to our Canadian guests through our REDcard program.
Thanks to Savings4me for this response from Target, since they ignored my question on it when I replied and sent me a standard coupon reply. You would think that SCOP would help get their teams full established from the start. If it turns into a Zellers constant pricing fiasco, they have lost my business.
My first experience at Target here was not impressive…..patio side table was ragged at 39.99, I was told that it ws a misrake and thet are 99.00 each after I asked for 2….no apology, no discount as it was their error, nothing……I won’t be going back…..
My first experience at Target here was not impressive…..patio side table was tagged at 39.99, I was told that it was a mistake and they are 99.00 each after I asked for 2….no apology, no discount as it was their error, nothing……I won’t be going back…..
Oh, Target says it has systems and tools in place. Well, that is certainly reassuring. I wouldn’t dare question systems and tools.
First big mistake, funny how they want to start off in a new market digging themselves out of a hole.
sing a petition asking your Provincial Government to regulate the SCOP… simple of that……they (the bad Target store ) will then have no choice than participating :-))))
Then I wiil not be going to target till they do
Target can come, who cares don’t like the US stores, so I will not be making my way to canadian outlets..
First, let me say that I’m not all that impressed with Target. I never was even with my extensive shopping vacations in the U.S. In fact all along, while this process has been unfolding here in Canada, I just have a huge sense that it’s a Zeller’s face-lift and rebranding. I suspect the Target stores will be cleaner and perhaps a fair bit nicer to shop in. But I think people here are expecting too much of Target to be a Wal-Mart killer. And they just ain’t that in the states… they ain’t going to be that here. They’re just going to be an alternative place to shop.
That being said, and in defense of Target, I haven’t had much reason to invoke SCOP at current stores here as it is. MAYBE once or twice a year (Walmart once last summer, and I think the time before that it was Superstore. So, I can’t see why I would expect to be doing so any more at Target. It’s not going to be a HUGE deal for them to not get on board right away.
The have how many stores open right now? THREE? Four maybe? … with the rest of them opening gradually over the course of the year. Cut them a little bit of slack and give them that year to get things to be congruent and consistent. To ensure their networks and pricing systems are working nationwide. It sounds as those strongly opposed to this adjustment period are just looking to prey on their early mistakes by invoking the SCOP on them any chance they get.
@MJ … I don’t think it’s unreasonable to give them a bit of slack on the patio table error. After all we ALL make mistakes now and again, don’t we?? Hmmmm??
They have 20 open currently with a couple more opening this week
I don’t really think they have the pricing down. Was there too night and they had packs of childrens sock tagged as a $1.50( not just one pack all of them) thought wow thats great but will scan nope $6.99, $9.99 but no $1.50. Then I picked up a childs outfit that I thought was cute looked at the tag to see how much it was $0.00 is what was on the tag but when scanned it was $19.99. Nope definitely not the place I am interested in shopping at.
For once I’m happy to see the mention Excluding Quebec. Usually it means we cannot participate in a contest or use a coupon. At least this time it’s positive.
I personally don’t understand why this policy is not mandatory everywhere in Canada. Hard-working workers shouldn’t have to pay for stores cutting corners when pricing their items.
@bhlombardy- I agree with you 100% about everything you said. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
If you wanna compete in the Cdn market, ya gotta have SCOP and price matching.
@MJ, I would have expected to get the tables for $39.99. That’s false advertising if it was tagged as such and then they charge you $99 instead. Same with the socks mentioned by springbreeze. Get your #$@! together Target!
If they are implementing it in Quebec from the start they should be able to put it in place across Canada from the start. I think it’s a bit of a faux pas on their part.
They have no choice in Quebec though
I was there yesterday at the Customer Service desk and someone brought up Kraft Dinner they bought that rang up more then it said on the shelf so they looked into it, that is when I asked if they participated in the SCOP and the one girl did not know what it was so I told her, explained Walmart and Shoppers do and she was all excited and the other one said it is voluntary and we don’t….so I just wow, if Walmart does you should. They refunded the lady the difference on her KD.
I am disappointed too, we shop in the US all the time, Target there is not our favourite store but we get a few goodies and when I checked out the Canadian one, I found out they don’t carry plus sizes…really?? That was a huge let down for me.
I did not know they don’t have plus size . Well I don’t think I will wast my time when they open in mt prov ,
Their regular sizes go to XXL in most lines
They don’t have plus size but fallenpixels is right that they do have sizes up to XXL which was handy for me. I’m 246lbs and so was able to fit into their XXL sizing but if I or any one else is any bigger then its not going to happen. They don’t have much pretty clothes there anyways. I was lucky to get some work out/yoga pants there for pretty cheap and a few maternity tops in size XXL that are really nice.
I don’t care that they don’t offer SCOP because I won’t be shopping there much anyways. My local Target has hardly any selection whatsoever and really is just a cleaner version of the old Zellers. I’d still have to go to other stores for my regular shopping purchases if I also shopped at Target.
cmon guys give them a break. The stores literally just opened. They even said they are going to eventually participate in the program. It just doesn’t make sense for them to do it off the bat when they are literally still tagging, bringing in new items and adjusting their prices across the Canadian brand.
In order for them to be competitive in Canada they better the same policies as the other stores or they won’t make it! Plain and simple. In today’s marketplace if you are not competitive people will shop elsewhere. To not have the SCOP in place at Target is not a good thing. If Target isn’t going to be loyal or go the extra for the customer then the customer will shop somewhere where they are
appreciated. Not very good PR when you consider they are trying to get a share of the marketplace and they are the “new kid on the block” in Canada and already they are alienating customers. Hope you reconsider and remember the customer is always right!!!
No SCOP was my biggest complaint with Zellers
I completley agree with the article “If it turns into a Zellers constant pricing fiasco, they have lost my business.”
@bhlombardy……….Of course we all make mistakes, I never implied otherwise….however, as a person who has worked in retail and hospitality all my life….there was more they could have done to rectify the situation rather then just a “oh well, it’s marked wrong, price is actually 99.00…..too bad….” which is exactly how it came off as. I was waiting around for quite awhile for them to find 2 in the back warehouse, and even when one of them saw another table with a different price (74.00 not even the 99.00 they later claimed it was) the other supervisor stated it was a different brand table not the same one I wanted..the customer service was what was completely lacking. They should at least make an attempt to try to correct the situation, a genuine apology, something……..even if they offered me a discount on 1 of them due to the error would have been great but it really was the attitude of both of them that stunned me. We have made mistakes at my work too, pricing and otherwise and we do NOT just shrug it off and ignore it, we do everything we can to make the customer happy, especially when we first opened……..
Was there yesterday and I could have SWORN the 25cm T-Fal frying pan was $12.99 or something like that (I needed an 8in pan) and when it rang up, it rang up at $29.99. The lady went back to check for me and advised me it was actually $34.99. I will go back again and double check because I could have sworn I wasn’t dreaming.
I went to Target today…first time at this store only second time ever being in Target…the cashier made it look like she used my coupon but didn’t (at least she stuck it back in my bag so I can still use it another time/elsewhere) and I was charged $34.99 for the bag I bought that says $32.99 on the tag.
Not too impressed.