Taste of Nature Canada Instant Win Contest: Win FREE Products, Save.ca Coupons, and More!

Canadian Contests Canada

taste of nature

Taste of Nature Canada has just launched their Shake to Donate and Save Instant Win Contest!

Enter this Taste of Nature Canada Instant Win Contest for your chance to win lots of awesome Instant Win FREE Prizes! You are allowed to win twice, both times I won! The first time I won a FREE Taste of Nature Bar, which I donated. The second time I won a FREE Save.ca Coupon for $0.50 off a Taste of Nature Bar!

The Taste of Nature Canada Instant Prizes include:

  • 50,000 $0.50 Save.ca Mail to Home Coupons
  • 200 Free Taste of Nature Bar Coupon (Valued at $2.00)
  • 150 Free Taste of Nature Bar Boxes.

Your donations would help to support Evergreen’s Urban Agriculture Program if you choose to donate your prize rather than keep it, like I did.

Click here to enter this Taste of Nature Canada Instant Win Contest!

7 responses to “Taste of Nature Canada Instant Win Contest: Win FREE Products, Save.ca Coupons, and More!”

  1. sarah says:

    I won a bar then donated it, got to play again and won a box

    • Bree says:

      Yay! That is fantastic!! I also donated the Free Bar 🙂 Congrats on the FREE Box of Taste of Nature bars, is it a coupon or will they be mailed to your home?

  2. Glogirl says:

    I won a coupon and donated it then played again and won a free box of bars! The free box is a coupon from save.ca

  3. mrssaver says:

    got a coupon and then won a bar

  4. 2jk19 says:

    Not working for me, I enter my info on the page and then it tries to load then goes right back to the main page 🙁 very frustrating I’ve tried so many times and with multiple browsers too! I absolutely LOVE these bars and eat them all the time so I was so excited when I saw this!


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