Tasty Rewards Canada Printable Coupons: New Coupons Available

The Tasty Rewards coupon portal is the ultimate coupon portal for savings on snack foods and there are some new coupons that have recently been added. You can choose four coupons to print each month, and you can even print a bonus coupons. Some of the same coupons that you have seen for the past few months are still there, so if you are enjoying those you can print them again, or you can choose to print any of these new coupons:

  • $2.00 off the purchase of a bag of Ruffles potato chips (215-380g, any flavour) AND Ruffles dip 425g, any flavour
  • $0.75 off the purchase of a bag of SunChips® multigrain snacks (225g, any flavour), Rold Gold® pretzels (320g – 400g, any variety) OR Munchies® Snack Mix (272g – 300g, any flavour)
  • $1.00 off the purchase of a bag of Tostitos® tortilla chips (220g – 505g, any flavour/variety) AND Tostitos® salsa (394 mL – 645 mL, any flavour)

There are seven bonus coupons available, most of them are also the same, but there is one that has been added in that section:

  • $0.50 off the purchase of a box of QUAKER® Harvest granola bars (172 g – 210 g, any flavour/variety)

Click here to print these coupons from the Tasty Rewards coupon portal.

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