The Tasty Rewards coupon portal has recently been updates, with both new coupons and new PC Plus offers! There are three new PC Plus offers that you can load to your card, and they are:
- 500 PC Plus points when you purchase Cheetos cheese flavoured snacks
- 500 PC Plus points when you purchase Quaker instant oatmeal
- 700 PC Plus points when you purchase Quaker Harvest, Crunch, or Life cereal
To use these offers you can select them, click load offers, and finally, you will provide your PC Plus account so that they are ready to go when next you shop. There are some new coupons available through the portal as well, some of which overlap with the points offers. Keep in mind that the PC Plus offers and coupon offers are either/or for the same Tasty Rewards account, so you will have to chose between either the PC Plus offer or the coupon offer. If you would prefer coupons, here are the coupons that you can print this month:
- Save 50 cents when you buy Cheetos
- Get a FREE box of Quaker instant oatmeal when you buy participating Quaker products
- Save $1 on your next purchase of Lay’s Poppables
- Save 75 cents when you buy Quaker Harvest Crunch, Life, or Cap’n Crunch cereal
Click here to chose your coupons and PC Plus offers.