Tealia Tea Canada FREE Samples: Receive 3 Sachets of Best-Selling Tea!


Tealia Tea Canada is offering 3 free samples of its best-selling tea flavours! To get this deal, you will need to have Facebook. Once you login, simply visit the link below and fill out your personal information. If your love Tealia Tea samples, you can purchase the full size versions at your local Metro or IGA.

The company has a huge range of tea products ranging from black tea, green tea, herbal tea, organic tea, dessert tea, and more! It’ll be a surprise to see what you get in the mail in a few weeks time though. Enjoy!

Click here to get these samples from Tealia Tea Canada.

One response to “Tealia Tea Canada FREE Samples: Receive 3 Sachets of Best-Selling Tea!”

  1. Ivan says:

    “We ran out of free samples! 🙁
    Stay tuned on our Facebook page for similar future campaigns.
    Thank you for your interest!!”


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