Teavana Canada has a new set of awesome promo codes on right now! The Teavana Canada coupon codes include:
- Get FREE shipping on any purchase at Teavana Canada online.
Teavana is currently offering FREE shipping until July 6, 2015. This FREE shipping offer is valid on any purchase with no miimum. To get this FREE shipping offer, enter the promo code FIREWORKS at checkout.
- Save $10 off your purchase of $50 or more at Teavana Canada online.
This coupon code deal is valid now until Friday, July 31, 2015. To get this Teavana Canada offer, enter the coupon code TEA10JULY at checkout.
To get this Teavana Canada offer, enter the coupon code PINEAPPLE at checkout.
Click here to get all Teavana Canada online offers.
It says free shipping is for the US only.
Hi Christina, usually the Teavana site says “US only” on free shipping offers, but most of the time it glitches and you can get the free shipping to work for Canada as well!
Thanks Am, I’ll give it a try!