The Bay Canada: Free Sample Of Long Wear Clinique Lip Gloss

The Bay is offering a great freebie right now. Visit the Clinique counter now thru July 31st for your free 14 day sample of Long Wear Lip Gloss.

You must present this offer to receive your free trial.

While Supplies Last. Picture does not represent free product.

12 responses to “The Bay Canada: Free Sample Of Long Wear Clinique Lip Gloss”

  1. Stephania says:

    Wow, GREAT FREEBIE! Thanks, Sally.

  2. roseofblack25 says:

    Printed mine out and going to go pick it up after work tomorrow night 🙂 At least with this freebie they can’t turn me away because they don’t have a shade that matches! (yeah I’m looking at you Sephora and Benefit grr)…

  3. Jennifer says:

    Do you need an HBC Rewards Card? Also, what is the size of this?

  4. stark says:


  5. stark says:

    I meant you have to have a consultation with their sales ladiesand with their make up colors, and they will try to sell you or make you feel bad and cheap if you do not buy. Not worth the time I went thru this before with them. BTW you only have two colors to choose from which are Bamboo Pink and Sunset. NOT THE PRODUCT SHOWN ABOVE!

  6. picnic says:

    The formulation and colors are not as above. Not worth the time you go thru for the consultation and the expectations of you to make a purchase.

  7. picnic says:

    They only offer Bamboo Pink and Sunset BTW Rose Of Black!!!

  8. Sherry says:

    Rose Of Black… What do you mean? are u confused??

  9. Captain says:

    They only offer BAMBOO PINK AND SUNSET not what is shown above!

  10. Sally says:

    Rose is talking about other promos, she knows its only in two shades, but their lip glosses not foundations.

    My post clearly states the picture does not represent the product.

    No you dont have to buy anything if you go show the coupon more often then not theyll just give you thesample.

  11. roseofblack25 says:

    Yep got mine today 🙂 They only had bamboo pink left but that was the one I wanted anyway. They have run out at the Eaton Centre location and were turning a ton of other people away when I was there getting the consultation. They gave me some foundation samples to try out because I am going through one heck of a time trying to find one that colour matches perfectly. They didn`t try to tell me anything (thankfully cause I don`t need it), and it was like 5min of them talking about my skin type and what products to use to control oil.

    Oh and yes I was talking about the free Sephora benefit foundation samples that were being given out!! I got turned away the other day and never got one because they couldn`t colour match any of the shades to my skin tone 🙁

  12. roseofblack25 says:

    oops that should have been sell me anything not tell…They do want to call to follow up with the foundation samples though…but I will more than likely be at work so won`t be able to answer my phone…sooo works for me LOL!


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