The Bay Canada: Lancome Gift with Purchase of $34+

Canadian Deals & Coupons


From Oct 6 – Nov 1 you can get an awesome Lancome gift with $34 purchase at The Bay. This gift with purchase is extra awesome because you get to choose the 7 gifts (with a free bag and companion) that you want to include in it, from the 12 Lancome favourites!

Here are the items you get to choose from:

I think this “a la carte” way of doing gift with purchases is really neat, although in the fine print it says all 7 items must be different, so you can’t stock up on one item alone. I am already mentally ordering in my head which freebies I want!

To locate the closest Bay store near you, click here.

And for more information and to print off your card with freebie selections click here.

8 responses to “The Bay Canada: Lancome Gift with Purchase of $34+”

  1. itsjustmebub says:

    i just got this yesterday! i love how big the makeup bag is … fits ALL my crap and still tons of room left lol. 🙂

  2. Sally says:

    Nice! I wish they were offering the Absolue in the jar I love that stuff but its so pricey to buy.

  3. jen says:

    just in time, my mum ran out of her liquid foundation
    we usually get 2 of them (one for her and myself) when we ask the sales lady politely and they give us more samples too! 🙂 pays to be nice

  4. sunshine says:

    Are the 7 items all full size?

  5. itsjustmebub says:

    Full size! Lol
    that would be nice … but no, they are standard sample sizes like every bonus
    the lipstick is full size though

  6. Sarah says:

    The frenzy caught my eye as I was passing the lancome counter, and no wonder. You should note… (b/c I asked)
    -#5 is for light/pinkish skin
    -#7 is for fair-to-medium skin

    This is as GOOD bonus to grab people. But Lancome products don’t come cheap – moisturizer starts at $58.

  7. Justine says:

    I would order the cheapest thing possible to get this bonus (unless you have a product in mind that you like already, maybe buy a back-up), it is soo worth it, and no they are not full size products.


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