The Bay: Free Sample of Calvin Klein’s CK One


The Bay emailed me this coupon for a free sample of Calvin Klein’s CK One. This coupon is valid from March 7-31, 2011. One per customer, while quantities last. Sample not available at these locations: Prince George, Lethbridge, Moncton, Halifax, Dorval, Vernon, Penticton, and Banff.

I was in grade 9 when I first smelled this, both guys and girls were wearing it since it’s supposed to be unisex. I don’t quite remember how it smells so I guess I’ll pick up my free sample.

Click here to print your coupon.

8 responses to “The Bay: Free Sample of Calvin Klein’s CK One”

  1. Horn Nie says:


  2. Stephania says:

    Blast from the paaast!

  3. Queen Sadi says:

    Is it a unique barcode on each coupon or can anyone use it?

  4. EdLeafs says:

    what if you don’t have a HBC Rewards card?

  5. dolphin lover says:

    they seem to have the same upc code to scan

  6. Michelle says:

    anyone know how big this sample is?

  7. rob says:

    can anyone tell me how big the sample is before i go an waste that much black ink

  8. Chris says:

    It’s a small spray vial and they ask for the HBC card.


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