I just finished upgrading the blog and I also changed the template. The new template has two sidebars instead of one so there’s more space for for adding other useful stuff in the sidebars 🙂
During the upgrade I lost about 10 comments from the last two days. I’m terribly sorry about that. It was purely unintentional.
Please let me know what you think of the new design and what you’d like to see in the sidebars 🙂
Gahh! You lost my saved posts too!
Oh well – luckily it wasn’t too too much. 🙂
Congratulations Boo! This is definitely a better layout. Apparently, WordPress is much better than Blogger. I am still on Blogger as I am too lazy ^_^”
Very nice. 600% Better than the previous layout.
Also, yay for the pink background, WordPress, Canada, and freebies.
Two thumbs up Boo. The new layout looks great!
I would like to see a back to the top of the page button.
Looks good! I like that it remembers who I am now 🙂