The Childrens Place Canada 25% Off TODAY ONLY

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Save 25% off your purchase of $50 or more today only at The Childrens Place.  Offer is valid in store and online.

Online Use web code : 2K4E2011 (this is the web code we received in email) There is another web code posted on their site which is 2J4E2011

In store use print coupon and take it with you for use in store: Print Coupons

Flat $8 shipping rate on all web orders.

OR use your savings pass to save 20% off your entire purchase.

Webcode: 2G4E2011

For coupon to use in store follow above Print Coupon link.

One response to “The Childrens Place Canada 25% Off TODAY ONLY”

  1. Breeze says:

    I just ordered a winter jacket and snow pants online and shipping was free. They apply the $8 when you select the shipping, but then take it off at the checkout. So it was 25% off and free shipping. As well, most of the outerwear has been marked down 30%, so there are some good deals.


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