The CTV Olympic cameraman needs to learn how to use a camera

Other / Canada

I just got a headache watching the Olympic torch being carried towards BC Place. The camera keeps shaking up and down as if it’s being carried by an amateur. Can’t they mount the camera on a bike or stabilize it somehow? This is 2010, can’t be that hard.

On a more positive note, who do you think will light the Olympic cauldron tonight?

49 responses to “The CTV Olympic cameraman needs to learn how to use a camera”

  1. canadian_girl says:

    OMG — I so agree! I can’t believe this is the FIRST coverage we’re seeing and I’m getting dizzy just watching it!

  2. Melissa says:

    My guess is Terry Fox’s mom, Betty (I believe). What a great moment for whoever does get to do it!

  3. Natalka says:

    Gee, I didn’t notice it being a problem, but I’m glad to learn you have some free time for R&R!
    If you mean who will light the cauldron, my lead guess was Gretzky (as of now, the Vanoc guy is saying he’s not), followed in some fashion by Nancy Greene, Catriona LeMay Doan, and Barbara Ann Scott.
    We’ve had some good threads running in the Tea Room about this all!

  4. Sally says:

    Excuse me wheres your witty picture?

    I havent watched any olypmics yet.

  5. Boo Radley says:

    oops I meant the cauldron! Fixed 🙂

    I’m hoping it’s Wayne Gretzky. I’d like to see an athlete light it up.

  6. Julie says:

    When I saw the coverage earlier, just as the torch went from one person to the next, they cut back to the studio. At least three times I saw them do that, with no mention at all of who was running with it now

  7. Yes Man says:

    WTF is this comment doing on smartcanucks ? is this a deal ? get a blod dude

  8. Joe Mead says:

    News is Obama’s plane has just landed, there is a lot of security at BP place.
    there are military all over the place, street cams are not showing on the internet now.. who let him in.. he did win the peace prize this year…

  9. Sally says:

    Ummmn Yesman I suggest you go back to 2006 archives and then youll realize from DAY ONE Sc has not just been deals, there always has been other posts thus the “other” category. If you dont want to read them just skip over them rather then being negative. and this “dude” is the owner of Sc.

  10. JeLLo2775 says:

    @ Yes Man – Boo is the owner/operator/creator of this site….therefore can do whatever whenever wherever

    In another note, seeing as i’m still unemployed, i’ve been literally watching this all day long…earlier they showed the accident at the luge….horrific!!!

  11. kate says:

    if i hear that damn CTV olympic song again im going to puke

  12. rumsmydrink says:

    our thoughts go out to the Family of Georgian Luge rider NODAR KUMARITASHVILI who died in a horric crash on the final practice run at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver….So sad and the games haven’t opened yet…..

  13. JeLLo2775 says:

    @ kate…which one that ‘i believe’ song? LoL…the chick who sings it was on TV earlier…live…but not singing..just being interviewed…

  14. JeLLo2775 says:

    @rums….did u see the actual footage? man that was absolutely horrific!! I totally wasn’t expecting that, and I don’t even recall CTV giving a ‘headsup’ on the video feed…i justed watched and thought, ok, whats going to happen…and then, all of a sudden I had to turn away…very very sad


  15. mom-of-one-boy says:

    My thoughts and prayers are also with the Georgian Luger who died today in Whistler! I pray and hope that they are able to make the track safer before the races begin.

  16. rumsmydrink says:

    THE footage is on CNN News and yes it is horrific not for all eyes be fore warned

  17. rumsmydrink says:

    I carried the Olympic Torch in 1988 outside Chilliwack BC that was for the Calgary Winter Olympics..around 3500 of us 12000 for the Vancouver Olympics I don’t know how many for the 1976 Olympics in Montreal but at the most 20000 people in Canada have carried the torch out of 35 million…It was a proud day for me then and I’m very proud of the Olympics being in Canada again. Good Luck to all OLYMPIANS THIS IS WHAT CANADA IS ABOUT !!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. lakeram says:

    michael j fox areal cannuck

  19. JustMe says:

    I have been watching the torch go across Canada and yes I agree that the camera is shaky but at least you are able to see it! I still have no idea why Arnold Schwarzenegger got to carry the torch this morning. SO NOT RIGHT! When there are TONS of past Olympians and other CANADIANS who didn’t get to carry it. I can’t see how they ran out as there are over 35 million of us here!

    Anyways..I think it would be amazing to see Betty Fox light the cauldron tonight. Even if NBC was reporting that she would be carrying it in honour of her son, Micheal J Fox who ran across Canada to raise money for Cancer. SUCH MORONS haha.

    It was nice to see Terry’s Dad with the torch today as well.

  20. JustMe says:

    My thoughts & prayers go out to the Family of NODAR KUMARITASHVILI as well. It was horrific to watch on CTV when they reported it. YouTube pulled all the videos…THANK GOD!

  21. JeLLo2775 says:

    I heard this morning on BT Toronto that they think Betty Fox will be the 2nd last to carry the torch…that they were gonna have her pass the torch to an ‘avatar’ figure of Terry to light the cauldron….now THAT would be cool!!

  22. Eeyah says:

    JustMe – I think you mean Terry Fox, not Michael J. Fox.

  23. ASh says:

    Its been greatly speculated, like Jello stated earlier that Terry Fox and his Mother, Betty, will be lighting the torch! How amazing will that be???

  24. Liz says:

    Ugh shaky camera’s give me motion sickness bleh.

    Where did this notion of a holographic projection of Terry Fox lighting to cauldron come from?.. .. that would be interesting nevertheless. I was expecting wayne gretzky or someone else famous who is the reflection of a true canadian but.. we shall see in 3 hours.

  25. rumsmydrink says:

    as far as SCHWARTZENCAMBELL carrying the torch he carried it TWICE AS FAR than anyone else only because he’s a friend of Premier Campbell and these are HIS OLYMPICS AND NOT VANCOUVER OLYMPICS. a total insult to the rest of the torch runners to let him carry it twice as far as anyone else.

  26. sooboy says:

    I think they are going to go with am angle that honours our aboriginal people. Native symbols etc have been such a big part and the organizing committee have given some chiefs from the area head of state status. I would prefer Terry Fox but they keep saying it will be unexpected and with so many talking about Terry that might rule him out

  27. JeLLo2775 says:

    we should have a contest….to see who guesses right….LoL


  28. karen says:

    the media people are not allowed to have bikes, etc, for safety and security measures. i’m in van right now, and the radio broadcasters are out of bereath because they need to job along to keep up with the torch bearers.

    and arnold schawrzenager carried the torch a bit farther because the route had to be redirected while he was carrying it because of protesters.

    get your facts straight if you’re going to complain.

  29. Tiffany says:

    I think wayne gretzky and Terry foxes mom and a holigraph would be very cool!

  30. anisa says:

    how is a guy supposed to be on a bike in a crowd following the relay?
    anyways, it would still shake.

    gretzky is an ontarian, shouldn’t be lighting the cauldron.
    at least terry fox and michael j fox grew up around vancouver

    guss we’ll have to wait and see.

    make sure you keep a bucket close by, in case you get queasy again, i don’t think they’re sending that flame on a bike.

  31. trucks says:

    Being a BC or Vancouver resident isn’t a qualification for lighting the cauldron; The whole of Canada is hosting the games; not just Vancouver. Gretzky is just as good of a choice as M.J. Fox or Terry Fox’s family.

  32. Janet85 says:

    I just wanted to note that I sent a complaint email to CTV cc’ing Canadian Broadcast Standards Council. It was completely distasteful for CTV to show the accident/death footage of that poor Luge athlete, Nodar Kumaritashvili. I don’t know about the rest of families in Canada, but mine is sitting together watching the FAMILY ORIENTED Olympics and I didn’t appreciate the sudden footage of the accident. Poor taste!

  33. nc says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more Janet – that was shocking footage and in very poor taste. Imagine his family and friends having to watch that!

  34. Janet85 says:

    Anyone else want the contact email addresses? I found them on CTV website.
    Canadian Broadcast Standards Council: [email protected]
    CTV Affiliate for Southwestern Ontario: [email protected]

  35. Moom says:

    To go back to the original point – pretty astonished that CTV aren’t using something like a Steadicam ( It’s pretty standard practice most other places in the world with something like this.

  36. Topher says:

    Bryan Admas and what’s -her -face lip-synching … ridiculous! the show was great until then. They should have brought out the chick who sang the anthem again, she killed it!

    Go Canada!
    boo lip-synching

  37. Hope Hanson says:

    My guess for the torch!… (or at least what i would like to see)

    -Wayne Gretzky to Sidney Crosby to a young (maybe even female) hockey player!

  38. Janet85 says:

    Topher… yeah I thought Bryan Adams and Nelly Furtado were lip synching too! That confused me because I did really think that the “I Believe” girl was singing live… so I don’t know why some sang live and some didn’t… Driving me a little batty trying to pick up who was singing live.

    Wow… the lights are pretty much the focus of the show eh?

  39. Jeff says:

    Both KD and Sarah were amazing!

  40. Lou says:

    Wayne Gretzky was the torch barer to light the Olympic Cauldron
    Go Canada Go!!!
    I Beleive

  41. Big Duke 6 says:

    CTV has the unique ability to suck the life out of any event just by creating a preview clip or replay clip.

    What’s with the constant slow motion and funeral-pace music?

    Watching the NBC coverage made CTV look like a high school media term project.

    We cant be 1) That boring or 2) So starved for talent that we can’t broadcast a world class package.

    CTV, it’s time to go to NBC school. They were very complimentary of Canada and the Games, great tribute and exposure for our country.

    Just sayin’…

    • Justine says:

      I watched the NBC footage of the opening ceremonies. I liked Matt Lauder’s voice better, no other reason really.

  42. CarlyinCanada says:

    I loved watching the opening ceremonies! Very well done! How they got the whales to look so real was awesome! And loved the ski slope with the skiers/snowboarders coming down! Cool!
    I thought it was great to showcase our Canadian singers & talent! 🙂
    My guess was WG #99 to light the calderon! He did us proud!

    Very sad about the Georgian death, so young! It was very shocking video & after I saw it I said they should have had a wall there, not pillars!

    Looking forward to the Hockey games & Skating! Go Canada! 🙂

  43. Marcus says:

    Terribly disappointed with CTV coverage of games 🙁 Twice they have stopped coverage of woman’s Hockey in the 3rd period. WHy because you can’t stand to see Canada win ??? Tonight you left game with 8 minutes remaining in 3rd and went to the mens practice session with 4 boring has beens. Would do that to the mens team….leave the game with 8 minutes in the 3rd and go to the womens practice session??? There is FAR to much commentary and not enough action in games so far. CTV needs to provide what people want not a buncha filler. Also why can I not find a link on to submit viewer comments ? Perhaps because you don’t want to hear from the viewers?

  44. Frank says:

    Most of Canadian hockey cameramen are employed by CBC. Thus no work for them.

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