The critically acclaimed, award-winning Playstation 3 video game The Last of Us is on sale on Video Games Plus for $39.99 (That’s $20 off).
Released in June 2013, Naughty Dog’s post-apocalyptic thriller The Last of Us has won Best New Action Adventure Game from Games, as well as User Choice Prize at the Playstation Awards 2013. A Game of the Year edition will be released later this year for the PS4.
In the meantime, the last of you who have not experienced the genre defining video game can pick it up for PS3 at a reduced price. The game features menus and interface in English, Francais, Espanol Latino americano and Portugues Brasileiro. It usually ships in 24 hours.
It’s $40 at Shoppers this week as well, and has hit $40 multiple times now. And below a few times too. So hopefully no one is paying for more TLoU right now with the GOTY and PS4 versions right around the corner.
This is an incredible game for those who haven’t played it already. Definitely not one for the little kids though, teenagers and up only. By far the best game I’ve played on the PS3.
As mentioned above, the Game of the Year edition is expected soon as well as the PS4 remaster, but if you’ve been wanting to play this game and don’t want to wait any longer this is a good price for an awesome game.