The Shopping Channel Showstopper for today is the 20 day Nutri System program


Usually I wouldn’t mention the Showstopper for the day but there has been a fair bit of discussion on the Nutri System program and they are offering it at the lowest price ever.

20 day program for only $165.41 savings of $84.58. Shipping is a bit higher around $25, I think because its food it has to be delivered fast?

If you were thinking about trying the program to lose weight now is the time because I doubt we will see it cheaper this year.

Click here to check it out. I’ve talked to a few people that have had success with this program. Have any of you tried it before? If so any good? Is the food good? Or is it atsronaut food?

16 responses to “The Shopping Channel Showstopper for today is the 20 day Nutri System program”

  1. blue says:

    I tried it last year…& it didn’t work for me only because the food was REALLY unappetizing! Especially the chocolate cake, it had a cardboard-like texture to it lol. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not picky about food at all…but I really could not stomach some of the stuff. And it really was like astronaut food, esp the burger, because it’s dehydrated and u have to pour water on it then microwave it. A few times when I bit into it, I got a mouth full of “juices” (water) cuz the burger was like a sponge expelling water out.

    I think it’s partially because of the preservatives they use, and some of the desserts were incredibly sweet (I guess the sugar also served as a preservative)

    Good ones: choco pudding, cheese ravioli, rice crisp choco bars, hamburger (if u put the right condiments on it), cheddar omelette, fettucine alfredo

    Bad ones: Chicken salad, chicken burger, black bean soup, actually any of the soups cuz they were wayyy to salty, chocolate cake!

    The only benefit was the small portions…which is essentially what Nutri-system wants you to be accustomed to and change your lifestyle.

    Bottom line: I would invest in something else, cuz surviving on the nutri-system food alone doesn’t cut it, it’s menu plan expects up to supplement a lot of your own food such as veggies and fruits)

    Try buying organic and whole foods, and just managing the portion sizes! Also cut the white stuff -(breads, sugar etc) and eat lots of veggies to fill you up before your meal 🙂 But obviously easier said then done..I would know lol! Good luck!

  2. blue says:

    wow…sorry for the long msg lol!

  3. Sally says:

    Don’t apologize! I want to hear opinions on it. I’ve heard good and bad. My one friend said it was dried out crap and another friend said it was really good (they lost 80lbs) on it.

  4. Sallycat says:

    Thanks for posting, Blue. I’m sure it will help anyone who is thinking about trying the system. It was very informative. 🙂

  5. Jackie says:

    The concept of Nutri system and controlled portions with each day’s meal plan laid out is a good one. I did it years ago and since I had put out all that money I followed it religiously and did succeed. Nowadays I am more concerned about consuming all those preservatives.z But, bottom line, it did work. I overlooked the fact that I may not like it, because I was motivated for results.

  6. justamy says:

    imo, this seems like a terrible way to lose weight. eating a diet almost exclusively of prepared foods with ingredient lists a mile long is terrible, not to mention the food looks gross!! although the portions are small, having food delivered and pre-portioned for you teaches you nothing about nutrition.

    save the ridiculous amount of money this will cost you and shop the perimeter of the grocery store.

  7. Lynn says:

    Blue I agree,I eat anything ( hence the need for the program) I tried it out and some of the food is so hard to eat. The burger was pretty yucky. The black bean soup was disgusting. I hated the “snack” food. Even the co-op student at work, who we refer to as the seagull because he would eat ANYTHING, didn’t like them.

  8. Michael says:

    I was considering trying it for a long time, but from what I gathered it’s one of those diets that work because it sucks all the enjoyment out of eating, so you don’t even look forward to snacking anymore, you equate food/mealtime = blah, choke it down. I tried something similar a long time ago – lost a good 50lbs, but it was because I stopped expecting to enjoy my food and just ate for nutrition – that’s no way to live!

  9. honeydoo says:

    this stuff looks like garbage. i don’t want to eat anything that was created in a lab. if someone wants to lose weight “eat [real] food. not too much. mostly plants” and exercise some.

    justamy has it right.

  10. MagicalDreams says:

    I did this last year as well, and it did work for me. I wont do it again though because:
    1) Food in Canada is very limited to what you are able to purchase. People in the US get a large variety, so its depressing.
    2) The food is horrible, and small. Yes, it may only cost $165 for 20 days, but that doesn’t include the price of all the veggies that I bought for salad and sides… I know some people may not think that is alot, but I was easily spending an extra $60 – $80 a week.
    3) This plan does not teach you how to eat on your own. It does not teach you portion control or how to eat properly, more than likely, you will put weight on again.

  11. Tracy says:

    Thanks for all the feedback…I was actually considering signing up for this…..WON’T NOW!!!!!
    I guess I will go back to my veggies and workouts…I guess I was just looking for a quick easy fix….but again I realize there aint no such thing!!

  12. Heather says:

    My husband tryed it and I ended up eating it to get rid of it. It very salty and not much taste. I liked the book to give you expamples of the portion sizes and different daily meals. If you follow the veggie examples you can get your daily number in without noticing. If you take the food and make your own compaired to thier pre made you can cut costs and salt. I found it good for that. After 3 weeks I noticed I had cut out all preserved foods and found out which foods were making me bloated after I started introducing them back into my diet. Following the book and food examples I had way more energy and realized my digestive system didnt miss the prepackage food I used to buy. But all in all the food sucks but does give you the foundation to use for healthier eating. And once you stop buying the prepackage food you used to I noticed my grocery bill fell by half the cost for a family of 4. Obviously dont include the pricey price of the space food. But you still have to exercise….. just a stablity ball will do…. baby steeps.

  13. Edna Wharry says:

    Good post Sally, I referenced it in my blog post here ( Thanks for the great info.

  14. justamy says:

    honeydoo, i see you’re a Michael Pollan fan too 🙂

    i’ve lost 125lbs by pretty much following basic principles like what honeydoo mentioned. eat food that rots and eat like our ancestors did. they weren’t roaming the earth eating bowls of pasta or boxes of crackers lol!

  15. blondiemib says:

    I’ve tried… It wasn’t terrible, but I think the portion sizes was the main concept. You add a lot of your own fresh veggies and dairy. I have tried a LOT of weight loss programs and this is one that DID work!! Although I wouldn’t do it again…..
    I’m a yo-yo dieter…Weight Watchers also works well..I think I’ll go back to that 🙂

  16. pseudio says:

    I tried it as well. The food was just unappetizing. It tasted just like you’d expect shelf stable food in a box to taste like. Yuk.


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