This Saturday and Sunday receive a free Canadian Tire 2010 Limited Edition Collectible Coin with $25 Dollar Purchase



This Saturday and Sunday receive a collectible Canadian Tire $1 coin with a $25 dollar purchase.  While this isn’t  a “start your car” deal It’s kind of neat that Canadian Tire has made their own coin. The coin would make a cool stocking stuffer, or you could send some of this “funny money” to a USA friend.

I think this week spending $25 dollars at Canadian Tire would be fairly easy with some nice sales in the flyer starting this Saturday. Oh heck who am I kidding, when is it ever hard to spend $25 dollars at Canadian Tire?

Let me know if you pick up a coin and what you think of it! 🙂

8 responses to “This Saturday and Sunday receive a free Canadian Tire 2010 Limited Edition Collectible Coin with $25 Dollar Purchase”

  1. Richie Rich says:

    Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Time to shop there again for the first time in a while.

  2. abbasgirl says:

    No! Don’t send it to the US! They might get suspicious. LOL! They thought our commemorative poppy coin was being used to spy on them:

  3. Collector of CT says:

    So far have 2 of these coins! My husband and I were both there this morning just after opening and spent our $25 each and both got one. A must for any canadian tire collector. A really nice high quality coin. I don’t think anyone will spend it. It was given to you in a protective plastic little envelope by the cashier wearing gloves!!

  4. chelsey says:

    Watch your change … I keep forgetting to check my change when I shop, as I am usually in a rush when I pay cash (I use my cards when I am not in a rush) … I have been ripped off by clerks either intentionally giving me a 50-cent piece (I should have checked my change more closely when he intentionally staked my change rather than give it to me the “usual” way … and more recently my son checked my wallet for “toonies” as he needed some, and showed me that a “toonie” I had gotten as change earlier that day was actually a Canadian Tire coin released before Christmas …. I thought the reason Canadian Tire paper money looked so silly was to make sure that it would not get confused with real currency; so why are they allowed to make coins which are the so similar to “toonies”?

    Bad enough we had to worry about foreign currency being given to us and being ripped off that way, now Canadian Tire coins are sneaking in there too 🙁

  5. collectible coins are quite expensive and we have some of it that date backs from the 1800s “”

  6. tglnhat says:

    was at Canadian tire this morning and spent $87 DID NOT GET MY FREE COIN

  7. Sally says:

    Perhaps because it was for December 4th and 5th of 2009? A spammer bumped this post up lol.

  8. robert says:

    is there anyone who knows the value of the 2010 Canadian tire coin (Thanks)


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