Tim Hortons Canada: Post Your Winnings From Roll Up The Rim To Win Instant Contest!


Roll up the rim to win started today at Timmies! Post your winnings here.  I would have my yearly competition with Boo, but now that I have a tassimo I’ve only had Tim Hortons once since Christmas.  Instead I’ll post my husbands winnings since he drinks Timmies at work.  Good luck everyone.

*bumping up for the next wave of winners*

96 responses to “Tim Hortons Canada: Post Your Winnings From Roll Up The Rim To Win Instant Contest!”

  1. Amanda says:

    I won a coffee this morning and my DH won one too!!! 2/2

  2. Sandra5 says:

    The best part of this promotion is that MacDonalds always seems to run a free coffee promotion in tandem with it (for 1 week anyways, Feb 28- March 6) so everybody wins. (Or maybe it’s Timmies response to free coffee at MacDonalds?)

  3. anon says:

    Last year, I won free coffee, and a free donut. I know small prizes considering how many cups of coffee I bought from them!! At least, I was happy ’cause IT was the first time I won at Tim’s.
    @Amanda: Hi; what do you mean about DH? I don’t mean to be rude or anything like that… but I don’t know what that means. I see the term a lot on the board so I am just wondering…
    Curious, I guess.

  4. Me says:

    @anon: DH means “Dear Husband”. 😛

  5. anon says:

    @me: thanks, for the info.

  6. DJ says:

    Congrats if you win, but if you lose please don’t just toss your cup out your car window. The amount of trash this promotion produces is shameful.

  7. Kiri says:

    Somebody I know won a laptop last year!

  8. tracey says:

    i got my 1st one today and i one a free coffee.
    (i bought a medium apple cider)

  9. cesdit says:

    Congrats if you win, but if you lose please don’t just toss your cup out your car window. The amount of trash this promotion produces is shameful.

    I agree!!!!!!!

  10. Sevim says:


  11. Ruby says:

    I won ……..nothing, as usual with this promotion! Is there any way to see the winners of this contest anywhere online?

  12. Terri says:

    Check out Twitter and here! Apparently because of Twitter Tim’s is making more winning cups because last time people would compare notes on Twitter and started to notice that there seemed to be way more losers than winners. (That included me!) This morning I lost, as usual but hubby won a coffee.

  13. shopping addict says:

    LOL..I love reading everyone’s comments on this promotion. I too am a Timmie’s addict 🙂

  14. Chalene8 says:

    Won a donut today! Took me 3 tries!

  15. Scarecrow says:


    You can spin to win prizes with roll up roulette everyday. I don’t know what the odds of winning there but i’ll try it.

  16. Love&Joy says:

    Last year I won $100 TIM CARD!!! That was exciting. The most I have won so far in my life. I hope to have the same luck this year. My hubby and I love Tim’s coffee!=)

  17. Trinity991 says:

    I won a free donut today. I bought an extra large coffee.

  18. RoseGentry says:

    I won a free coffee and this was JUST after my BF said that NO ONE wins… hahah I proved him wrong!

  19. R says:

    Ya, they made odds better this year, 1 in 6 rather than 1 in 9,but I’m assuming its more food.
    Been winning 1 $100 gift card for the last 2 years, hoping it to continue this year, or even better. Won it from the same location that I hardly go to but when Im there, I but a lot!

  20. Marcia says:

    won my first coffee this morning! Then accidently threw out my second cup without rolling! 🙁 (busy concentrating on the hockey game and not my coffee)

  21. Debbie says:

    I won a free coffee with my first cup!

  22. vmall056 says:

    I won a free donut!

  23. Kathleen says:

    My friend’s brother won one of the car’s years ago and he still has it. Drives it only in the summer.

  24. Krystal says:

    Last night I won a doughnut. Last year my husband won a $50.00 gift card!

  25. Mical says:

    First cup and I won a coffee, off to a good start 🙂

  26. Susie says:

    Free Coffee – first rim I rolled.

  27. Sally#2 says:

    i won a free car, big deal pfft

  28. FDF says:

    Bought my first RR (Extra Large) coffee today and one a free coffee.

  29. laf says:

    won a free coffee with my first cup ( a free coffee or donut seem to be pretty common )

  30. GD says:

    About 4 years ago I won an Ipod Nano. But I probably spent enough on coffees to pay for one lol.

  31. Cat says:

    I won two free coffees on Monday. My son bought me a coffee in the moring and I won a free coffee and in the evening my daughter bought me a coffee and I won another free one. However, this morning when I pick up one of my free coffees I did not win this time.

  32. Elle says:

    of the three XL coffees I got today… none were a winner 🙁

  33. horny timmy says:


  34. horny timmy says:


  35. Dyan says:

    Won a coffee on my first roll today. My husband won a bike 7 years ago, still has it.

  36. kekes says:

    free coffee only took 6 cups of coffee to win ! lol

  37. Andie says:

    i know one person who won a big prize – my Sister-in-law’s boss won $10,000 two or three years ago (talk about someone who doesn’t need it!).

    so, SOMEONE wins! 🙂

  38. icka_jeno says:

    I won my first free coffee on their first day of Roll up the rim.. I want my Timmies but it so far from work..:(

  39. harleydonison says:

    A gal I know that works at TH said most of the prizes are concentrated in the large size, so if you buy x-l every day, your odds of winning are less. FYI

  40. AMAC says:

    Just wondering if anyone has any insight as to what size coffee tends to win…I have ordered about 7 large since the promotion started and NOTHING! Thinking of switching it up to mediums…

  41. rocky says:

    I won a coffee today!!! cheers!

  42. Hotari says:

    I won a free coffee.

  43. MissPorchaa says:

    I won quite a few times last year. Bought one today for the first time this year and didnt win….
    However, I’m posting because I heard that the majority of the winning cups are in Large’s because they are the most common ordered. (makes sense) Just a heads up to all you Medium hot chocolate/tea drinkers like me!!!

  44. rudie75 says:

    Of the 12 large coffees I bought so far this year, none of them were any winners. I think the odds are worse this year. I had more winnings last year with the same amount.

  45. shmegz says:

    i won a free coffee and that free coffee won me a free donut. yay!

  46. Tracy says:

    Won a free coffee. So, I’m 1 for 2! (it was Large)

  47. sorsha1768 says:

    Last year we didn’t win a thing. This year so far out of 9 or 10 coffee & hot chocolate we have 3 free coffees. All on mediums.

  48. Theresa says:

    I haven’t won anything yet…..out of the whole two coffees I’ve bought, but I have found in years past that medium sizes tend to have more prizes. I want to meet someone who wins a car just to believe that people actually do win cars. I am a skeptic.

  49. katjwt says:

    I have had 10 Large drinks and 1 Free coffee has been won! Though I was one of the lucky winners of a Raliegh Bike in 1999. SO I don’t expect to ever win again…

  50. KT says:

    My boyfriend’s friend is a supervisor at Tim’s and she said there is quite a few defective cups that have been printed. Lots of cups say “Play Again” but somewheres else on the rim you could be a winner. Make sure you roll up the ENTIRE rim! We wouldn’t want to toss away a car now would we?

    Good luck & happy rim rolling! 🙂

  51. Jennifer says:

    6 x-large coffee’s and haven’t won anything yet.

  52. karine says:

    I won a few donut!

  53. karine says:

    i meant a free donut lol

  54. cindybeam says:

    I have one a free coffee and a free dounut

  55. Nicole says:

    Bought my first and last coffee today and lost.

    I purchased a Large (The highest chances of winning are found in a large) and they gave me a normal large cup with a medium roll up the rim cup.

    Also there coffees a gamble with half the time tasting watered down or OLD (at least for me). So much disappointment..I’ll stick to my Keurig.

  56. Mike says:

    Nothing as usual

  57. Angie says:

    Won a coffee!!!

  58. FDF says:

    won 2 coffees so far….

  59. rngirl87 says:

    Over 30 coffees bought between my parents and I, and only one has been a winner – the very first one my mom bought. We only buy medium… maybe i’ll switch to L or XL and see if I have more luck… blah!

  60. Sally says:

    My father in law won a bbq. He has horsehoes up his butt

  61. dolphin lover says:

    ive won 2 outa 4 large cups

  62. MarsBar says:

    Med coffee won a free coffee – much better then last year

  63. SuperM says:

    you peeps are so funny

    i bought a coffee and won a donut – not so good for the diet…

    but good considering i am a country style girl – just was on the other side of town that day

  64. John says:

    1 for 2. won a free donut !

  65. RenaS says:

    bought a few large teas but haven’t had any luck. threw one of the cups away 🙁

  66. Sisi says:

    won my first coffee of this year. My mother won her 1st donut

  67. Dark_Angel says:

    I only bought one coffee so far as did my mom both were large and I won a donut. I gave it to her. She didn’t win on hers.

  68. seapotato says:

    at work we got 10 large drinks, only one won a donut.

    bought 2 drinks on weekend, one won coffee.

  69. tudorchick says:

    not a dang thing..lol…but i am doing a starcraft marathon soon so i will be buying dd’s by the 12…lol..ill come back with results

  70. Debs says:

    Bought an XL steeped tea today and won a free coffee. But I realized today that winning cups were RED instead of YELLOW, which means that the cup I halfheartedly rolled up halfway yesterday (medium cup) and then subsequently threw away was a winner. 🙁 I should really wait until the caffeine has kicked in before rolling the rim.

  71. Kathleen says:

    Since I don’t drink coffee, I ordered a hot chocolate and won a donut with my first cup.

  72. Joi says:

    Won 2 free coffees out of the three cups I purchased. Both winning cups were mediums. At least the odds for this are much better than Mcdonalds’ monopoly.

  73. Bettyboop says:

    Won coffee on first roll.

  74. Mical says:

    Won another coffee and a donut this week. Still waiting for the big prizes 😉

  75. Moi says:

    Since it began I have won 2 coffees and 1 donut.
    Funny as I normally bring my coffee in a thermos to work…;)
    Last year NADDA…….this year…….”WINNING~!” ~Charlie Sheen circa March 2011….heheheh

  76. Cheryl says:

    I won a donut on my first cup!

  77. Jason says:

    ZERO for 8, I think the odds are worse this year. I was farther ahead last year

  78. mandee says:

    1/1! free coffee (:

  79. J says:

    nothing out of 9 larges. Boo 🙁
    Im a sore loser. Fiancee hs 4 winning tabs in his wallet he’s winning like crazy.

  80. Yvon says:

    I roll up the entire RIM of my extra large coffee cup and nothing is printed !!!
    It is printed all over as a contest cup, but nothing under the RIM….

    What should I do with that ?

  81. peter heimerl says:

    this week ive won a doughnut and two free coffees!!!!! NEVER WON ANYTHING IN MY LIFE!!!!

  82. TJ says:

    Won a coffee.

  83. westendgirl32 says:

    I won a free coffee … almost threw it out not realizing what I had read. I get a Tim Horton’s tea just about every morning.

  84. Andree says:

    I won a free doughnut and a few days ago I won a free coffee from Robin’s Donuts Flip to Win

  85. Wilson says:

    zero for four – 3 larges and a medium. The guy at the counter let my son hit the “You’re a winner” button even though he lost (my son is three), he thought it was great just getting to press the button.

  86. Wilson says:

    Yvon, take it back and show them at the counter, they’ll give you another cup to roll.

  87. Dark_Angel says:

    LOL @Moi RE: Charlie Sheen 😛

  88. Carolarx says:

    I bought a medium hot chocolat and I won a free coffee.

  89. YXU GIRL says:

    I want to know how to get one of those “You’re a Winner” buttons!

    Anyone know?

  90. tinad says:

    I won a coffee.. finally after a lot of purchases, lol. I do know someone who won one of the bikes, and that was just yesterday.

  91. Skippy says:

    This has to be one of the worst years for me!
    1 free coffee out of umpteen cups.

  92. Jennifer says:

    Eleven coffee’s and no winner yet!

  93. Steve says:

    Hey YXU GIRL, I am also after one of those buttons. I contacted Tim Horton’s head office and they told me that they are not for sale and the ones in the stores will be given to employees after the contest ends 🙁

  94. mike says:

    hey guys just won the napoleon grill

    how does this work do i have to pay for tax and shiping ?

  95. Penny says:

    I doubt anyone is reading this now as I was out of town and missed all my SC emails, but my BF worked at Timmies and she was told (on the DL, sorry BF!) by her store’s owner that people only win the big prizes if the OWNER/DEALER of the store(s) pays the corporation a premium for a chance at those cups. The little stuff cups (free food) are free to the dealers but the bigger prizes they have to chip in for (I guess because they get residual publicity for having a big winner) and so you may find that year after year you never win anything and wonder why, that’s why.
    I know that where I am from (near Kingston, ON), the dealer owns all 10 plus stores in the city’s core and he doesn’t put in for the big prizes, so I don’t buy the coffees there anymore. It’s a shame but I suspect a lot of different food & bev stores run this way, which is why they always specify “At Perticipating Stores” in the ads and fine print.

  96. Penny says:

    “At Participating Stores”, I can spell! I think…


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