Tim Hortons Canada: Roll Up The Rim To Win Is Back February 20th


Heres some advance notice for all your Tim Horton’s lovers out there!

(Thanks Heinz for posting this on our forum!)

Begins MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20,2012

Contest Cup Eligibility


  • Any small, medium, large or extra large size hot beverage(French Vanilla, Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate, English Toffee, White Hot Chocolate, Tea, Coffee and Lattes!)
  • Any hot beverage served in a qualifying china mug or re-usable container upon presentation of their order

NOT eligible:

  • Extra small hot beverages
  • Bottled or Canned Drinks
  • Milk
  • Iced Beverages
  • Single/Double espresso

Winning Rim Tab Redemption – Food Prizes

  • An unlimited number may be redeemed at one time
  • Winning Rim Tabs may NOT be redeemed as part as any combo


  • Guest may select any size of any hot beverage
  • A flavor shot may be added at no additional charge
  • No other substitutions allowed
  • Always serve winning beverages with a contest cup if available in size


  • Guest may select any variety of one donut, one muffin or one cookie per winning tab
  • No other substitutions allowed

Winning Rim Tab redemption – Major Prizes

  • Present Guest with 2012 Rules and Regulation Form
  • Guest must complete form in full and submit to contest company as indicated

Double Cupping

  • When required or requested, use a regular brown cup

Damaged/Tampered Cups

  • Immediately deemed null and void


  • You can also play Roll up Roulette online at http://www.rolluptherimtowin.com or new this year, on your mobile phone!
  • 1 in 6 chances to win
  • If contest cup not available ask customer if they’d like to change their order to an available cup size
  • All major prize winning Rim Tabs must be redeemed by May 20, 2012

Prizes for 2012 are:

40 Toyota Camry Hybrids
100 Panasonic 3D TV Packages
1,000 Coleman Camping Package
5,000 Panasonic Digital Camera
25,000 100$ Tim Cards
And millions of Food Prizes

21 responses to “Tim Hortons Canada: Roll Up The Rim To Win Is Back February 20th”

  1. Eric says:

    Yay! Even more empty coffee cups to litter the roads, parking lots, sidewalks, etc. Still, I hope this year I win something more than donuts or cookies.

  2. Frank says:

    Roll up the rim too LOSE!!!!!!

  3. silentbob1 says:

    Tims sucks now… McDonalds is where its at… also when tims has rutrtw, McDonalds has free small coffee…

  4. Kerry (ryry) says:

    Won $100 gift card last year 🙂 Hoping to win again this year!!! Thumbs are ready:-)

  5. xena_canada says:

    I won a 25 dollar gift card online with the roulette game. At firs tI did not believe it and then I got it! So exciting! I didn’t win one time at the Tim’s I love but oh well 🙂

  6. SweetPea says:

    Please pay again 😉

  7. Shanna says:

    I use to love this until I over heard the manager of a Timmies talking prizes are actually distributed across areas so if someone in your area wins something big like a car unless you have a bigger population area there wont be another. I always thought it waas more random which I prefer

  8. Theresa says:

    The only cups that seem to win are mediums. I work with a lady who would win on every medium she bought. I didn’t win once buying my normal large double double. I give up!!

  9. Worked there for 3.5 years…cup size does not matter.
    The annoying part was peoploe who never set foot inside a Timmies except at RUTRTW time and then be very demanding…..Seriously take your gambling to the casino…. And leave the fun to regulars! =)

  10. Michnty says:

    In all the years I have played this, I have never been offered another size cup, when my usual size (large) contest cups were all gone. Too bad, they would have got a lot more money from me over the years, as I would have gladly up sized to an extra large in these cases!! 🙂

  11. elle says:

    currently working at a timmies and it will be my 3rd roll up the rim. all i have to say is, if you do win a prize, RIP the tab out of the cup- nobody wants to have to rip it off the cup for you (especially if somebody bit on the cup rim too..). anyways, last year i sold an extra large (now large) coffee to a regular and he came back later that day with a winning tab for a $100 gift card :’D

  12. Amanda says:

    @ Shanna: Prize distribution is moderated by province for ALL Canada wide contests similar to this. If you take the Terms and Conditions form they have at the tills and look at the back of it the prize distribution per province is listed on the back.

    Naturally it is always biggest for Ontario, then Alberta then the other provinces follow. BC and Quebec are always the lowest in all promotions where prizes are “randomly” distributed in products.

    So don’t blame Tim Horton’s I am actually pretty sure (but don’t quote me on this) that they are required by law to distribute prizes across the provinces based on the amount of people living in each province.

  13. Amanda says:

    @ Elle, I hear ya! I worked at different Timmy’s for 4 or 5 different RUTR promotions.

    PLEASE cut the tab off, no one wants to touch your disgusting used cup!

    And, don’t ask for the “winning cup” it isn’t as funny as you think it is!

  14. mealplanmuncie says:

    I still prefer my starbucks coffee over tims.

  15. John says:

    I’ve always had a hard time understanding why roll up the rim promo can make people buy more bad coffee in the first place?? Buy a Kruig and get the best any toime you want at 1/3 the price……………..

  16. mealplanmuncie says:

    john, why note just buy ur own coffee beans, keurig is just over priced instant coffee.

    Loblaws has a coffee grinder even. But since i move away because of university I use a coffee grinder and use a french press (one that is built into my travel mug)

    Grinding your own coffee tastes much better

  17. mastersaver says:

    @mealplanmuncie i use my own ground coffee with my keurig thanks to the ekobrew reusable k cup. I dont think tims should even be called coffee its so awful I dont understand how people like it.

  18. jay says:

    ppl have their own tastes and likes i love tims coffee reason its not as harsh as starbucks coffee is and that keurig machine is a rip off coffee tastes nasty to me my friend has one tried it once and puked my guts out for an hour after wards and tims coffee is way cheaper then starbucks . ill never switch from timmies ever .

  19. jay says:

    its not cus tims has rutrtw its cus of the taste .

  20. Gord says:

    I have had enough of Tim hortons roll up rip-off contests. This time I haven’t even win a donut. In fact I haven’t even seen anyone win or claim a prize. I’m of the opinion that Timmys is a royal rip off and will never bother again to play or patronize their establishment. I’m sure that there is a lot of other people out there who are starting to feel the same. Shame on you Tim Hortons.

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