Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim To Win Loser? Save Your Cup For A FREE Country Style Ontario Canada Coffee!


Lose at roll up the rim to win? Thats ok, because March 21-27th you can bring your losing cup into Country Style and exchange it for a free medium coffee!  Don’t go to Timmies? Just check anywhere on the ground with the yearly scattering of losing cups all over the city, and bring one in!  Unfortunately Country Style is only in Ontario currently.  Click here for locations.

15 responses to “Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim To Win Loser? Save Your Cup For A FREE Country Style Ontario Canada Coffee!”

  1. Michael Kwan says:

    Hahaha… that’s pretty funny.

  2. Onshopper says:

    That’s great – now here’s a thought – why don’t the take out coffee places offer a 25 cent discount if you bring in your old cup – less of them on the streets, highways, mall parking lots etc.

  3. jason says:

    lol ya like they would give up profit. No offence but we live in a corperate world were money rules over anything.

  4. Heather says:

    Starbucks gives 10 cents off if you bring in your own cup 🙂

  5. Skippy says:

    Thanks Sally for the heads up!
    In addition to being Ontario only, I believe the mall locations that include a Yogen Fruz do not participate.

  6. Hugh Jass says:

    Sally is great!

  7. Hassan says:

    I don’t go to Country Style, but do they have hot chocolate or french vanilla as well? or does this not apply to all hot beverages and just coffee?

  8. Michelle says:

    “Just check anywhere on the ground with the yearly scattering of losing cups all over the city” lol 😀

  9. karen says:

    just wanted to let you know we have a country style in antigonish nova scotia ,and they are going to be doing this to,now so everyone know where to go it at the ultra mar on the post road,and i did check this out last night,so take all your tim cups and go see them.

  10. Nicothepickle says:

    Hey thanks, I’m going to use this. We have a Country Style here in Woodstock, New Brunswick.

  11. Sally #2 says:

    whats the big deal anyway:s its a paper cup for crying out loud… how is that lottering?!
    if i do it 5 times a day (minimum) it couldnt be that bad for the environment.. its just one small little cup! its biodegradeable afterall you old folks!
    even if i take my dog for a walk…i just throw any garbage i have with me on peoples lawn..it eventually breaks down and becomes fertilizer, no?! this topic is so blown out of proportion, this is pollution to the english lanugage :s a paper cup thrown on the street wont make a difference people!!

  12. Really, Sally? says:

    The above poster is a moron. I would type my rationale, but I’m sure everyone here can agree you’re a moron without any explanation.

  13. kelf says:

    Got my cup today :p

  14. Mazda Jellies says:

    Sally #2 you are a moron!!
    Do you realise how ridiculous you sound?!
    Tim Hortons coffee seems to be favoured by smokers and apparently people who don’t care what they put in their bodies also don’t care about the environment.
    The roadsides are littered with fast-food packaging, Timmies ‘loser’ cups and cigarette packs.
    I have yet to see a Perrier or Evian bottle tossed from a vehicle.

  15. Sally says:

    Shes just a troll, I’d ignore her.


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