To Advertise or Not to Advertise: That is the Question

I’ve been thinking for quite a while now as to whether or not I should advertise on I’m proud of’s clean elegant feeling that is unscarred by the ugly ads that have become a common seen on the Internet. At the same time,’s survival and success will require some financing.

After a lot of thought I decided to add a few ads but in return I’ll make things a little bit more interesting for’s contributors and visitors! I’ll split my ads revenue with you 🙂
– 50% will be shared amongst the 3 founders of
– 25% will be shared amongst’s contributors. Right now we have 3 contributors: Curiosity, nolookingca and Thilipan.
– 25% will go to (regular) visitors! I haven’t decided how… maybe through a contest or by rewarding the person with most comments, or other bloggers who posted about like David, John and Sara.

So basically every month, when I get a check from advertising I’ll post the amount here on and we’ll go on from there. I don’t expect to make a lot of money out of advertising, at least not at this stage. However as grows the check values should increase. If in 5 years time I’m making $0 or $1000 per month, the 50/25/25 ratio will not change.

What do you think of this idea? Should I remove or leave the ads?

10 responses to “To Advertise or Not to Advertise: That is the Question”

  1. nolookingca says:

    No offence, but by the time it’s split up, I doubt you’ll have any cash left.
    Assuming a hypothetical $10:
    Founders: 5/3 = approx 1.7 each
    Contributers/Visitors: 2.5/3 = approx 0.8 each

    Certainly not enough to cover hosting. Maybe time for a cheaper hosting co?

  2. nolookingca says:

    P.S. What are you paying now for hosting?

  3. intelmic says:

    I don’t mind having to see pub but please, nothing brutal like a million pop-ups or flashy colors saying I won 1 Million dollars on both side of the screens lol.

  4. Sara says:

    I think no ads is the way to go, because as a faithful reader, I want my eye to go directly to the information you post, and if I have be distracted by ads, then I am less likely to keep visiting the site. Just my opinion, but as nolookingca said, by the time you spilt it up, it won’t be worth much.

  5. Joel says:

    If you need to pay the hosting etc. go for ads all the way. But try to keep them to simple google text ads etc. I have abosultely no problems with seeing these.

  6. Boo Radley says:

    nolookingca – the 50% the founders get will cover hosting first before it gets spilt so it should be enough. Oh and I sure would hope that the real amount is greater than your hypothetical 😉 but I’m not very optimistic.

    intelmic – nothing flashy. I already added the google ads yesterday. It’s right under the header tabs. What do you think of that?

    Sara – thanks for your reply. My main priority is not to lose any of my faithful readers. I added the google ads under the main header and I made sure it doesn’t distract my readers. So I won’t be hiding any ads in links or anything like that. What you see right now is as far as I’ll go with adds: a simple google link bar at the top. Don’t click on these links and you’ll never get distracted. Is that ok?

    Joel – yup, that’s all I’ll have Joel. Thanks for your suggestions.

  7. Boo says:

    Hey! I’ve been coming to this website a lot lately! I think it’s great! Keep up the good work!! And I think you deserve to keep all revenue to yourself!

  8. nolookingca says:

    Boo-imposter? 😛
    BTW, why does the first page show a ad-search bar? who in their right mind will use a “Search for Ads” box??

  9. intelmic says:

    I appreciate that new publicity.

  10. […] I’ve been working on this idea for a couple of days and hopefully you’ll like it. Remember when I mentioned last month that I would share my ad revenue with my visitors? I’ve been thinking of a way of rewarding visitors who post more and help out and therefore I came up with an idea… […]


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