Toronto Family Day Celebration giveaway! Free Dr Oekter Shaker Pancakes, Muffins, or Cupcakes, and a Sherriff Chocolate Mousse! Freebies and coupons!


Are you in the Toronto area on Family Day Weekend? If so, make sure to join us at Harbourfront Centre (Near the skating rink – Free admission) from Saturday, Feb 13th  to Monday Feb 15th, 10:30am-3:30pm each day and receive a FREE, FULL SIZE Dr. Oetker Shaker Pancake, Muffin, or Cupcake bottle, Shirriff Chocolate Mousse dessert mix, and product coupons. In addition to these generous product samples we will also be cooking up fresh, heart shaped Dr. Oetker Shaker Pancakes  for you and your family to enjoy. This is the Dr. Oetker way of sharing Family Day weekend with you! Hope to see you there! Roaming teams will also be providing full product samples around the Greater Toronto Area at skating rinks, toboggan hills and other family hot spots. Keep your eyes peeled for your Dr. Oetker Family Day Give-a-way.

Thanks Andrew for the heads up!

4 responses to “Toronto Family Day Celebration giveaway! Free Dr Oekter Shaker Pancakes, Muffins, or Cupcakes, and a Sherriff Chocolate Mousse! Freebies and coupons!”

  1. Julie Leeds says:

    OH, I just might be in TO then *lol*

    don’t know for sure yet…it will depend on the weather, hubby is worried about a storm.

  2. Joe Mead says:

    Watch the date, this stuff has a shelf life of one year. It is in code, so how can you tell. Call their 1 800 number and ask if the date is ok,,,, If it is eatable.. and it is all leagal

  3. Cheap says:

    You are sooo lucky Toronto! 🙂

    I live in Kingston and I haven’t seen any free food offers for Family Day here.

  4. rad says:

    umm not that lucky, i got a sample to taste the size of a toonie. LMAO, sOo Stupid!


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