Toronto Flight Deals:Toronto to Paris for $588 Roundtrip *HOT*


Bonjour Paris, ça va? Get a cheap flight from Toronto to Paris, France this spring with deals from! Fly during May and April 2016 and get flights for as low as $588 when flying with Jet Airways (India), stopping over in Amsterdam, and continuing on with Air France. Example dates are listed below but keep browsing and you’re sure to find others:

  • 1st-7th May
  • 1st-8th May
  • 2nd-8th May
  • 2nd-9th May
  • 3rd-9th May
  • 3rd-10th May
  • 3rd-11th May
  • 4th-10th May
  • 4th-11th May

Below is a sample flight departing Toronto on May 3rd, 2016 and returning on May 10, 2016.

Screen Shot 2016-01-27 at 1.27.46 PMScreen Shot 2016-01-27 at 1.27.24 PM

Flight deals do not include baggage and other fees charged by the airlines.

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4 responses to “Toronto Flight Deals:Toronto to Paris for $588 Roundtrip *HOT*”

  1. sandra5 says:

    I would advise big caution with Jet Airways, they are notorious for overbooking flights, then bumping people on the connecting flights. They don’t follow standard protocol for advising and assisting people who have been bumped either! (I know, it happened to me and some friends last year!) An interesting bit of info, If you are bumped in a European Union country due to overbooking and can prove it, you are entitled to monetary compensation (not many people know that…) But it will be a big fight on your hands, if you are up for it!

  2. dragonchick says:

    I flew to India on Jet Airways and used several other domestic airlines while in India…NEVER AGAIN!

    Don’t fly with Jet Airways or any Indian airline. Just google it.


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