Heres a neat freebie for those of you who live close enough to take advantage (sadly we don`t as its a 2 hr drive for us). Minute maid is presenting Boo at the Zoo at the Toronto Zoo from October 29th to October 30th 2011. Up to 2 kids in costume aged 12 and under get free admission when accompanied by an adult. Looks like the festivities are taking place in Tundra Trek.
Tundra Trek 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Follow along the Zoo’s “Pumpkin Trail” to discover trick-or-treat activity stations throughout the Tundra Trek and check out Arctic wolves, foxes and polar bears – oh my! Take part in our “Critters and Costumes Parade” at 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm daily.
Remember your children have to be in costume to get in for free.
Visit the Toronto Zoo website here.