If you are a Toys R Us Canada R Cub Member, be sure to check your emails from the last couple of days. An offer was recently emailed to members and you and you can save 25% on the purchase of LEGO sets that are $10 or more with the coupon code or the barcode in the email. The promo code and barcode in the email are unique to each R club member and may be used one time only. I found with the last offer they sent out like this that once I entered the code online to rest it out, the coupon would longer scan in the store. Keep this mind, and if you plan to use your offer in-store avoid entering the promo code online.
There are some exclusions for this offer of course, and the coupon is not valid on items ending in .94 or .x8. The newer Star Wars sets end in .94 so you are out of luck using the coupons on those. The coupon is valid until March the 20th, 2024. If you are not an R Club member be sure to sign up through the link below for future offers.
Click here to join the Toys R Us R Club.