Toysrus Canada: Pay with Paypal and Receive $15 Cashback When You Spend $100 Or More


Now you can pay with Paypal on Toysrus! For a limited time pay with Paypal and receive $15 off $100. This deal only runs until November 9th.

Click here to access the offer.

7 responses to “Toysrus Canada: Pay with Paypal and Receive $15 Cashback When You Spend $100 Or More”

  1. RC says:

    there’s also a contest on the paypal canada page to win 1 of 5 $100 toys r us gift cards!

  2. RC says:

    sorry, i meant to say the paypal canada *facebook page*

  3. cbocean says:

    Took advantage yesterday. Said the $15 will be credited back into my account by Dec 31. My son wants a playmobil castle so I also got it 20% off and free shipping!

  4. Cmoody8107 says:

    It is a cashback offer. $15 to be deposited into your paypal account by December 31. Great deal still – debating on ordering – need to check out new flyer first!

  5. silverbullet71 says:

    Darnit!! I JUST bought a carseat a few days ago from Babies R Us, using Paypal! GRRRR!

  6. Sandi says:

    So this works on Babies R us website too?

  7. Kerry says:

    cbocean: Did you get a message when you placed the order on the “paypal” page before you get directed back to the toyrus page to finalize your order?

    I got the $15 credit offer in the paypal page yesterday, but I didn’t buy b/c I was still thinking. However, today when I went back to put through the transaction, the “$15 credit” message on the left side is not there anymore. Now, I am a little iffy whether I will get my $15 credit or not.


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