Trojan Canada: Get A Free Trojan Care Package *3000 Available*

Hurry and click the link below and you can register to receive a free care package from Trojan Canada. There are 3000 care packages available so act quickly!

It appears to be a contest, so you may not be chosen to receive a care package, but if you are you will be required to answer a skill testing question in order to have your free care package mailed to you. Each care package is value at $40.

If you click through the link and nothing loads it may have to do with the browser that you are using. I was able to successfully view the page using Chrome, so give that a try if you have any issues.

Click here to try your luck at getting a free care package from Trojan Canada.


3 responses to “Trojan Canada: Get A Free Trojan Care Package *3000 Available*”

  1. Paapu says:

    I was able to get a care package. Thanks!

  2. Hey u says:

    I just tried and it says its closed!


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