Uber Eats Canada has amazing promotions going on! You can save $5 to $10 off on orders of $20 or more! There are 2 coupon codes available:
- $10 off orders of $20 or more with promo code 07PCHCA
- $5 off orders of $20 or more with promo code 07PCLCA
Simply open your Uber Eats app, tap Account, then Promotions to enter a promo code. But note that most Uber Eats coupons are targeted so they are only available to some accounts. You can choose to apply either coupon code at checkout. These coupons are effective until August 18 at 2:59 AM ET, with a limit of one coupon per account. Some restrictions apply.
Were you able to use these promo codes? Share your experience with us in the comments!