Van Houtte Coffee Canada: $2 Off Coupon

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Van Houtte Coffee has a $2 off printable coupon for Canadians.  This coupon is valid in Canada only and expires Dec. 31 2011.

Click here for the printable version of the coupon.

5 responses to “Van Houtte Coffee Canada: $2 Off Coupon”

  1. sharp1 says:

    Anyone know if I can use it for K-cups?

  2. Natalka says:

    Is this the Facebook coupon?

  3. disappointed! says:

    does anyone have any luck with printable coupons? Where will this be accepted? (I know WalMart is cracking down on printables and sometimes wont accept them…)

  4. mia says:

    I dont know…I always use the 2$ off from go coupons but good one:)

  5. AnnieP says:

    I had no problem using this coupon in the past 3 months. My IGA always accept it without any question. Try to print in color to have better luck.


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