A new coupon is available through the Walmart Canada coupon portal. Get a free package of Old El Paso Tortilla Bowls 144g-189g, with the purchase of one Old El Paso Dinner Kit 227g-520g.
This is a mail to home coupon, and it is valid one day only, which will be July the 8th, 2016. Now, some of you may have already tried this product for free, due to claiming a rebate for your purchase on a cash back app. Some of you, like myself, have been unable to find the product anywhere, and can already anticipate how potentially (or almost certainly) annoying it will be to even try to use this coupon on July the 8th.
In any event, to order your coupon, access your Walmart Canada coupon portal account by clicking the link below. Hopefully this product becomes more widely available prior the date that this coupon is valid!
You can order a second coupon here.